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MOTOS /moh·tohs/, n. is an acronym used as a term to refer to "Member(s) of the Opposite Sex" or describe straight or heterosexual encounters or relationships. Used in sexuality research and GLBT or LGBT publications. For example, straight/heterosexual women or men who have opposite-sex partners and relationships, have had MOTOS experiences or only sexually prefer MOTOS. The reverse, MOTSS refers to encounters with "Members of the Same Sex," not to be confused with MOTTS which is a brand of apple juice.
The designations were first used by famous sexual researcher Alfred Kinsey of the Kinsey Institute as well as Masters and Johnson and are currently used in sexology research polls and tests. Acronym from the 1970 U.S. Census forms Member Of The Opposite Sex - A potential or (less often) actual sex partner. A similar, less-often used term is the politically-incorrect MOTAS, "Member of the Appropriate Sex", and has since been replaced with SO which means Significant Other.
Occasionally used as a colloquial term in GLBT community or casual talk as "motos" (pronounced like photos). The bisexual symbol for MOTOS is a male symbol and a female symbol interlinked together. Many bi people are shunned by straight/heterosexual MOTOS in today's society, because they feel one should have an "either-or" type of sexual preference or sexual orientation - this is most likely due to biphobia. In the bi community (see, MOTOS and MOTSS are nearly as commonly used as "he" and "she." A recent joke in the GLBT community is greeting MOTOS with "Hello, Motos!" - a take on the recent popular "Hello, Moto!" ad campaign from Motorola.