Movement for the Triumph of Democratic Liberties
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The Movement for the Triumph of Democratic Liberties (MTLD) was an alliance between the Algerian People's Party (PPA) of Messali Hadj, and members of Ferhat Abbas's organization, the Democratic Union of the Algerian Manifesto.
The MTLD was created on a platform of moderate Algerian nationalism in 1946, and won five seats (out of 15 elected) in the November elections, despite numerous irregularities. In the 1948 elections, the party lost all seats, and in 1950, it was repressed by the police. MTLD-PPA splinters in the Special Organization later converged to create the FLN.
The party represented one of the last reformist incarnations of the Algerian nationalist and anticolonialist movement, before the scene was taken over by its militant offshoots, the FLN and the MNA at the beginning of the Algerian War of Independence (1954-62).