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[edit] Constantine's Sword
(I saw this as a prior citation in a Fremasonry article, but cannot find it now, so posting info for future reference if needed)
Book is ostensibly about the Jews and the Church, and out of over 600 pages, Freemasonry is only mentioned on three pages (the book has an index), and here are the quotes in question:
p. 445 (from Chap. 43, "Revolution in Rome: The Pope's Jews"): The catch phrase used to describe the Church's mortal enemies became the triad "Freemasons, Protestants, and Jews."
p. 452-3 (from Chap. 44, "Alfred Drteyfus and La Croix"): Yes, many Catholics, especially clerics, assumed a Jewish alliance with Freemasons and Protestants, but many other Catholics had grown into a benign indifference toward Jews.
p. 455 (same chapter as previous): The French army marked the centenary of the arrest of Captain Dreyfus[1994] with the publication of a study that made the army itself the victim. In it, Dreyfusards were identified, as socialists, republicans, Freemasons, and radicals opposed to "the military caste."
MSJapan 16:56, 3 September 2006 (UTC)