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Murewa is a village (and district) in Zimbabwe 75 kilometers northeast from the capital of Harare, at the road to Tete (Moçambique). It is situated almost 1400 m above sea level. In 2002, the number of inhabitants was 8398. Public and private buildings are simple. "Growthpoint" and village have the character of a township. Nearby there are the Murewa Caves and other sites with rockpaintings of the San. These paintings are at least 1000 years old.
The district of Murewa strethches from Mt. Ahwa (10 km north of Macheke) in the South down to Mazoe River in the north. It is dominated by traditional African agriculture of the Shona people. Only the soutern quarter of the area is covered with commercial farms, founded by European settlers. In that area there are three hilltop fortresses, built in the later phase of ancient Monomotapa State, after 1500 A.D.