Talk:Music of Oklahoma
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[edit] Lists of bands, musicians, and venues
Whaddya say we edit these lists down and set some guidelines for what bands and venues should be included in the article, because these lists are getting out of hand. Certain bands and clubs might be fairly popular to the immediate demographic, but may not be Wikipedia-worthy. In other words, we don't need to include every hole-in-the-wall dive and every garage band in Oklahoma. For example, Mike's College Bar and Willie's Saloon are certainly popular among the college kids in Stillwater, but they are essentially a couple ragged bars whose claim to fame is that Garth Brooks used to play there when he was an undergrad at OSU (BTW, I'm not doggin' Mike's or Willie's--they were a couple of my favorite hangouts in college, but they aren't exactly world-famous establishments). Tulsa's Cain's Ballroom and Brady Theater at least have their own wiki articles and if someone can argue that the other bars are notable, then maybe articles can be written about them as well. The same goes with the bands/musicians. If they have wiki articles, great. If not, someone needs to argue why so-and-so is more noteworthy than, say, the local Nirvana cover band. I suspect there's a bit of self-promotion going on here. Peace. --buck 23:09, 5 February 2007 (UTC)