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I am a senior in mathematics at NCSU. My interests are for the most part of any topic related to mathematical physics. Lately (as in, the past few months) I have been reading about Kac-Moody algebras, quantum groups, low dimensional topology, tensor categories and Coxeter groups as they pertain to the above. I am also greatly interested by the fact that the braid group shows up FUCKING EVERYWHERE and seems to be strongly tied to the idea of quantization.
I am currently taking a Quantum Groups class and working on an independent[ish] study with Bojko Bakalov at NCSU. Mood troubles and pervasive absences notwithstanding, I hope to graduate this spring and go to whatever graduate school that will let me in. This is seeming increasingly unlikely and so it is entirely likely that I will be "working for a year or so before grad school." Wish me luck
Aside from mathematical physics, I am quite interested in historical linguistics (particularly macrolinguistics/extreme time-depth reconstruction), being as polyglottal as time permits (currently working on Bulgarian), nationalism and mental illnesses.