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17 Æfterra Gēola - Wikipedia

17 Æfterra Gēola

Fram Wikipedian

17 Æfterra Gēola is se seofontēoða dæg þæs gēares on þǣre Gregoriscan gerīmbēc. Heonan sind 348 belīfendra daga (349 in hlīepgēarum).

Stǣrlice gemynddagas
Gēolmōnaþ · Æfterra Gēola · Solmōnaþ

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[ādihtan] Belimpas

  • 1562 - Francland recognized þā Huguenotas under the Edict of St. Germain.
  • 1648 - Englalandes Long Parliament passes the Vote of No Address, breaking off negotiations mid Charles I cyninge and thereby setting the scene for the second phase of the Englisc Ingefeoht.
  • 1746 - Charles Edward Stuart, "Bonnie Prince Charlie", defeats a Hanoverisc army at Falkirk in his ultimately unsuccessful campaign to recover the throne for the Jacobite dynasty.
  • 1773 - Captain James Cook becomes the first explorer to cross the Antarctic Circle.
  • 1781 - Continental troops under Brigadier General Daniel Morgan defeat British forces under Lieutenant Colonel Banastre Tarleton at the Battle of Cowpens in South Carolina.
  • 1819 - Simōn Bolīvar proclaims the Republic of Colombia.
  • 1852 - Geānlǣht Cynerīce recognizes the independence of the Boer colonies of the Transvaal.
  • 1873 - First Battle of the Stronghold in þǣm US Modoc War.
  • 1885 - Bryttisc here defeats a large Dervish army at the Battle of Abu Klea in the Sudan.
  • 1893 - Americanisc sugar planters led by the Citizen's Committee of Public Safety, mid þā U.S. Marine Corps underplantode Cwēn Lili'uokalani and þone Cynerīce Hawai'i.
  • 1899 - Þā Geānlǣht rīcu takes possession of Wake Island in the Pacific Ocean.
  • 1912 - Robert Falcon Scott reaches the South Pole, one month after Roald Amundsen.
  • 1916 - The Professional Golfers Association (PGA) is formed.
  • 1917 - Þā Geānlǣht Underrīcu pays Denemearce $25 million for the Virgin Islands.
  • 1929 - Popeye se Scipfarend, cartūn lēasspellmann be Elzie Crisler Segar gescapen, ǣrost appeared in newspaper comic strips.
  • 1945 - Sofiet forces capture the almost completely destroyed Polisc city of Warsaw.
  • 1945 - The Nazis begin the evacuation of the Auschwitz concentration camp as Sofiet forces close in.
  • 1945 - Swēonisc diplomat Raoul Wallenberg disappears in Ungerland while in Sofiet custody.
  • 1946 - Se UN Security Council held his ǣrost mōt æt Ciricehūs in Lundene (Englaland).
  • 1949 - The Goldbergs, the first sitcom on American television, airs.
  • 1950 - The Great Brinks Robbery - 11 thieves steal more than $2 million from an armored car in Boston, Massachusetts.
  • 1966 - Simon and Garfunkel release their second album, Sounds of Silence, on Columbia Records.
  • 1966 - A B-52 bomber collides with a KC-135 jet tanker over Spēonlande, dropping three 70-kiloton hydrogen bombs near the town of Palomares and another one into the sea.
  • 1973 - Ferdinand Marcos becomes "Foresittend for Life" of the Philippines.
  • 1975 - Bob Dylan releases Blood on the Tracks, often considered one of his best albums.
  • 1977 - Convicted murderer Gary Gilmore is executed by a firing squad in Utah, ending a ten-year moratorium on the death penalty in þǣm Geānlǣhtan Underrīcum.
  • 1985 - British Telecom announces the retirement of Britain's famous red telephone boxes.
  • 1991 - Gulf War: Iraq fires 8 Scud missiles into Israel in an unsuccessful bid to provoke Israeli retaliation.
  • 1991 - Harald V wierþ cyning Norþweges on the death of his father, Olav V.
  • 1992 - Punk rock band Green Day releases their second full-length album, Kerplunk.
  • 1995 - A magnitude 7.3 earthquake called "the Great Hanshin earthquake" occurrs near Kobe, Japan, causing great property damage and killing 6,433 people.
  • 1996 - The Czech Republic applies for membership of the Europisc Gesamnung.
  • 1998 - Paula Jones accuses Foresittend Bill Clinton of sexual harassment.
  • 2002 - Se fyrbeorg Nyiragongo ūpāblǣwþ in þǣm Folcrīcelicu Cynewīse Congolisc, and seteþ 400000 lēoda of.

[ādihtan] Byrda

  • 1405 - Gjergj Kastrioti - Skanderbeg, Leader of Albanian Army against the Turkisc Empire, with succes in 25 years, thus the pope named him Athleta Christi (protector of Crist)
  • 1463 - Friedrich III, Saxon elector (d. 1525)
  • 1504 - Pāpa Pius V (d. 1572)
  • 1560 - Gaspard Bauhin, botanist (d. 1624)
  • 1706 - Benjamin Franklin Americanisc writer, inventor, publisher, and ambassador (d. 1790)
  • 1763 - John Jacob Astor, entrepreneur (d. 1848)
  • 1820 - Anne Brontë, Bryttisc author (d. 1849)
  • 1832 - Henry Martyn Baird, Americanisc historian and educationalist (d. 1906)
  • 1860 - Douglas Hyde, Foresittend Īrlandes
  • 1860 - Anton Chekhov, playwright (d. 1904)
  • 1863 - David Lloyd George, Fyrmestscealc þæs Geānlǣhtan Cynerīces (d. 1945)
  • 1867 - Carl Laemmle, film executive (d. 1939)
  • 1871 - David Earl Beatty Britisc admiral (d. 1936)
  • 1880 - Mack Sennett, director, producer (d. 1960)
  • 1899 - Al Capone, gangster, nicknamed "Scarface" (d. 1947)
  • 1899 - Nevil Shute, author (d. 1960)
  • 1914 - William Stafford, poet and essayist (d. 1993)
  • 1922 - Nicholas Katzenbach, politician
  • 1922 - Betty White, actress
  • 1926 - Moira Shearer, actress, dancer
  • 1927 - Eartha Kitt, actress, sangestre
  • 1928 - Jean Barraquē, composer (d. 1973)
  • 1928 - Vidal Sassoon, cosmetologist
  • 1929 - Jacques Plante, ice hockey star (d. 1986)
  • 1931 - James Earl Jones, actor
  • 1931 - Douglas Wilder, first elected African American governor of a U.S. state
  • 1933 - Dalida, Frencisc sangere (d. 1987)
  • 1933 - Shari Lewis, puppeteer (d. 1998)
  • 1937 - Troy Donahue, actor
  • 1939 - Maury Povich, talk show host
  • 1942 - Muhammad Ali, boxer
  • 1942 - Ulf Hoelscher, violinist
  • 1944 - Françoise Hardy, Frencisc sangere
  • 1948 - Davīð Oddsson, Forma Minister Īslandes
  • 1949 - Andy Kaufman, comedian (d. 1984)
  • 1955 - Steve Earle, musician
  • 1956 - Paul Young, Englisc musician
  • 1957 - Suzanne Danielle, Englisc actress
  • 1962 - Jim Carrey, actor, comedian
  • 1966 - Shabba Ranks, sangere
  • 1969 - Lukas Moodysson, film director
  • 1970 - Jeremy Roenick, Americanisc NHL star
  • 1970 - James Wattana, Thai snooker player
  • 1971 - Kid Rock, sangere
  • 1974 - Ladan and Laleh Bijani, Iranian conjoined twin sisters (d. 2003)
  • 1982 - Dwyane Wade, NBA basketball player

[ādihtan] Dēaðas

  • 1229 - Albert of Buxhoeveden (b. 1165)
  • 1617 - Faust Vrancic, Croatisc inventor Parachute (b. 1551)
  • 1751 - Tomaso Albinoni, Italianisc composer (b. 1671)
  • 1826 - Juan Crisōstomo Arriaga, composer
  • 1861 - Lola Montez, adventurer (b. 1821)
  • 1886 - Amilcare Ponchielli, Italianisc composer (b. 1834)
  • 1893 - Rutherford B. Hayes, 19a Foresittend þāra Geānlǣhtra Rīca (b. 1822)
  • 1961 - Patrice Lumumba, Forma Minister þæs Folcrīcelicu Cynewīse Congolisc (b. 1925)
  • 1964 - T.H. White, author (b. 1906)
  • 1967 - Evelyn Nesbit, actress aka "The Girl In The Red Velvet Swing", (b. 1884)
  • 1977 - Gary Gilmore, murderer (executed by firing squad) (b. 1940)
  • 1991 - King Olav V Norþweges (b. 1903)
  • 1994 - Helen Stephens, American sprinter
  • 1996 - Amber Hagerman, kidnapping, murder victim (b. 1986)
  • 1996 - Barbara Jordan, politician (b. 1936)
  • 1997 - Clyde Tombaugh, astronomer (b. 1906)
  • 2001 - Laurent-Desire Kabila, foresittend þæs Folcrīcelicu Cynewīse Congolisc (b. 1939)
  • 2002 - Camilo Jose Cela, Spēonisc wrītere, winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature 1989 (b. 1916)
  • 2005 - Zhao Ziyang, reformist Premier of the People's Republic of China and General Secretary of the Communist Party of China

[ādihtan] Symbeldagas and observances

  • Ancient Latvia - Zirgu Diena observed
  • Catholicism - Feast day of St. Anthony.

16 Æfterra Gēola - 18 Æfterra Gēola - 17 Gēolmōnaþ - 17 Solmōnaþ -- Getalu ealra daga

Mōnþas þæs gēares
Se æfterra Gēola | Solmōnaþ | Hrēþmōnaþ | Ēastermōnaþ | Þrimilcemōnaþ | Sēremōnaþ | Mǣdmōnaþ | Wēodmōnaþ | Hāligmōnaþ | Winterfylleþ | Blōtmōnaþ | Gēolmōnaþ
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