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2 Hāligmōnaþ - Wikipedia

2 Hāligmōnaþ

Fram Wikipedian

2 Hāligmōnaþ is se 245a dæg (246a in hlīepgēarum) þæs gēares in þǣre Gregoriscan gerīmbēc. Heonan sind 120 belīfendra daga (121 in hlīepgēarum).

Stǣrlice gemynddagas
Wēodmōnaþ · Hāligmōnaþ · Winterfylleþ

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[ādihtan] Belimpas

  • 31 BC - Rōmānisc Ingefeoht: Battle of Actium - Off the western coast of Greece, forces of Octavian defeat troops under Mark Antony and Cleopatra.
  • 1666 - The Great Fire of London breaks out and burns for three days destroying 10,000 buildings including St. Paul's Cathedral.
  • 1752 - Þæt Geanlǣhte Cȳnedōm adopts þā Gregoriscan gerīmbōc, nearly two centuries later than most of Western Europe.
  • 1789 - United States Department of the Treasury was founded.
  • 1807 - British Navy bombards Copenhagen with fire bombs and phosphorus rockets to prevent Denemearc from surrendering its fleet to Napoleon. 70% of the city was destroyed and 2,000 burgwara wurdon gecweald.
  • 1862 - Americanisc Ingefeoht: President Abraham Lincoln reluctantly restores Union General George McClellan to full command after General John Pope's disastrous defeat at the Battle of Second Bull Run.
  • 1864 - Americanisc Civil War: Union forces under General William T. Sherman enter Atlanta, Georgia a day after the Confederate defenders fled the city.
  • 1870 - Franco-Prussian War: Battle of Sedan - Prussian forces defeat þone Frencisc here and take emperor Napoleon III and 100,000 of his soldiers prisoner at Sedan.
  • 1885 - In Rock Springs, Wyoming, 150 white miners attack their Chinese coworkers, killing 28, wounding 15, and forcing several hundred more out of town.
  • 1898 - Beadu Omdurmanes - British and Egyptian troops led by Horatio Kitchener defeat Sudanese tribesmen led by Khalifa Abdullah al-Taashi, thus establishing British dominance in the Sudan.
  • 1901 - Vice President Theodore Roosevelt utters the famous phrase, "Speak softly and carry a big stick" at the Minnesota State Fair.
  • 1935 - Labor Day Hurricane of 1935: A large hurricane hit the Florida Keys killing 423.
  • 1939 - Following the invasion of Poland, Freie Stadt Danzig ruled by Nazi leader Forster is annexed to Nazi Germany.
  • 1944 - Holocaust: Diarist Anne Frank and her family are placed on the last transport train from Westerbork to Auschwitz. They arrive three days later.
  • 1945 - World War II ends: The final official surrender of Japan was accepted by General Douglas MacArthur and Admiral Chester Nimitz aboard the battleship Missouri in Tokyo Bay.
  • 1945 - Vietnam declares its independence forming the Democratic Republic of Vietnam (North Vietnam).
  • 1963 - CBS Evening News becomes network television's first half-hour weeknight news broadcast, when the show is lengthened from 15 to 30 minutes.
  • 1967 - The microstate Principality of Sǣland unilaterally declared its independence.
  • 1969 - The first automatic teller machine in the United States is installed in Rockville Centre, New York.
  • 1987 - In Moscow, the trial of 19-year-old pilot Mathias Rust, who flew his Cessna airplane into Red Square in May 1987, begins.
  • 1991 - Þā Geānlǣht Underrīcu recognizes the independence of the Baltic states: Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.
  • 1995 - Rock and Roll Hall of Fame opens in Cleveland, Ohio.
  • 1998 - In Canada, pilots for Air Canada launch the first strike in company's history.
  • 1998 - A McDonnell Douglas MD-11 airliner carrying Swissair Flight 111 crashes near Peggys Cove in Nīwe Scotland after taking off from New York City en-route to Geneva. All 229 people on board are killed.
  • 1998 - A United Nations court finds Jean-Paul Akayesu, the former mayor of a small town in Rwanda, guilty of nine counts of genocide, marking the first time that the 1948 law banning genocide is enforced.
  • 2001 - Blizzard Entertainment ābīteþ þæt gamen Woruld þæs Gūþcræftes.

[ādihtan] Byrda

  • 1838 - Liliuokalani of Hawaii, Queen of the Hawaiian Islands (d. 1917)
  • 1850 - Albert Spalding, Americanisc baseball player and sporting goods manufacturer
  • 1853 - Wilhelm Ostwald, Þēodisc chemist
  • 1866 - Hiram Johnson, former Governor of California and political activist
  • 1877 - Frederick Soddy, Britisc chemist
  • 1884 - Dr. Frank C. Laubach, crīsten missionary and founder of Laubach Literacy
  • 1917 - Cleveland Amory, author
  • 1923 - Rene Thom, Frencisc mathematician
  • 1929 - Hal Ashby, film director
  • 1934 - Dominic Chianese, actor
  • 1936 - Andrew Grove, co-founder and chairman of Intel
  • 1944 - Al Matthews, Americansc actor (d. 2002)
  • 1948 - Terry Bradshaw, Americanisc football player
  • 1948 - Christa McAuliffe, Americanisc teacher, astronaut (d. 1986)
  • 1951 - Mark Harmon, actor
  • 1952 - Jimmy Connors, Americanisc tennis player
  • 1961 - Carlos Valderrama, Colombian fōtball player
  • 1964 - Keanu Reeves, American actor
  • 1965 - Lennox Lewis, Canadisc/Britisc boxer
  • 1968 - Salma Hayek, Mexicanisc actress
  • 1971 - Tommy Maddox, Americansc fōtball quarterback
  • 1972 - Sergei Zholtok, professional ice hockey player

[ādihtan] Dēaðas

  • 421 - Constantius III, Romanisc cāsere
  • 1764 - Revd Nathaniel Bliss, Astronomer Royal
  • 1832 - Franz Xaver, Baron Von Zach, Scientific Editor, Astronomer
  • 1834 - Thomas Telford, Britisc civil engineer
  • 1898 - Wilford Woodruff, foresittend þǣm Cirice of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (b. 1807)
  • 1921 - Anthony Francis Lucas Croatian-American oil exploration pioneer (b.1855)
  • 1921 - Henry Austin Dobson, poet (b. 1840)
  • 1934 - Alcide Nunez, jazz musician (b. 1884)
  • 1937 - Pierre de Coubertin, Frencisc founder of the modern Olympic Games
  • 1953 - US General Jonathan Wainwright, Medal of Honor recipient
  • 1964 - Alvin York, most decorated American soldier of Ǣrest Woruldgūþ
  • 1981 - Andrija Maurovic, Croatisc illustrator (b.1901)
  • 1973 - J. R. R. Tolkien, Bryttisc wrītere and philologist (b. 1892).
  • 1973 - Carl Dudley, Americanisc movie director (b. 1910)
  • 1976 - Stanisław Grochowiak, Polisc poet and dramatist (b. 1934)
  • 1992 - Barbara McClintock, Americanisc geneticist
  • 1997 - Rudolph Bing, opera manager
  • 1998 - Allen Drury, author
  • 2000 - Elvera Sanchez, Puertorican dancer
  • 2000 - Curt Siodmak, science fiction author
  • 2001 - Christiaan Barnard, Sūðaffricanisc heart surgeon
  • 2001 - Troy Donahue, actor
  • 2004 - Joan Orō, scientist.

1 Hāligmōnaþ - 3 Hāligmōnaþ - 2 Wēodmōnaþ - 2 Winterfylleþ - Getalu ealra daga

Mōnþas þæs gēares
Se æfterra Gēola | Solmōnaþ | Hrēþmōnaþ | Ēastermōnaþ | Þrimilcemōnaþ | Sēremōnaþ | Mǣdmōnaþ | Wēodmōnaþ | Hāligmōnaþ | Winterfylleþ | Blōtmōnaþ | Gēolmōnaþ
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