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Mynd:WW2 TitlePicture For Wikipedia Article.jpg - Wikipedia

Mynd:WW2 TitlePicture For Wikipedia Article.jpg

Frá Wikipedia, hin frælsa alfrøðin

The description on its file description page there is shown below.

[edit] Image Montage Information


Montage for the World War II Main Page in Wikipedia







(Reusing this image)

Cc-by-2.5 (since the Auschwitz photo is Cc-by-2.0)

Other versions None

This is a montage image I created for the World War II Main Page in Wikipedia. This was done because there was a consensus among users that the previous picture of the Nagasaki bomb was not adequate. The image is a montage of other pictures found in Wikimedia.

Notes on the pictures used in the montage:

sv: Information om bilderna i montaget:

  • Överst: Allierad landstigning på D-Dagen 1944
  • Övre vänster: SS-soldater marscherar in i Dornbirn, Vorarlberg, Österrike, 15 Mars 1938
  • Övre höger: Ingången till Auschwitz
  • Nedre vänster: Atombomben över Nagasaki 1945
  • Nedre höger: Sovjetiska flaggan över riksdagshuset i Berlin 1945

If you wish to contact me, please leave a message on my talk page. Regards, Dennis Nilsson, Sweden.

[edit] Image Selection Reasons

The choice of pictures is really the result of a quite long discussion: Image Discussion. The emphasis is to primarily illustrate different aspects of the war (e.g. fighting, politics, civilian impact) rather than the various theaters of war. Thus, the intention of the montage is not to cover every theater or nation - it's impossible. Furthermore are there no intentions to select - or position - the pictures in accordance with military casualties or general war effort.

Main reasons for the selection of images:

  1. D-day: Very known & very important multi-national battle, including USA, Britain, Canada, Poland, Germany and many other nationalities. One important beginning of the end of the Nazi era.
  2. Nazis marching: Easily recognizable & very important aspect, since this was the supreme main reason the war started. It also symbolizes the psychological factors and the indoctrinations of the totalitarian regimes.
  3. Death camp: Easily recognizable & important aspect describing one of the greatest civilian impacts.
  4. Atom bomb: Easily recognizable & very important aspect describing the huge development in weapon technology and the start of the Cold War. It also marks the battle between Japan and USA and the end of the war in the Pacific.
  5. Soviet flag in Berlin: Easily recognizable & marks the battle between Germany and USSR, the huge Soviet effort and the end of the war in Europe. It is also a marker of the start of the Soviet influence in East Europe.

[edit] License

Creative Commons License
Creative Commons Attribution icon
This file is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License
In short: you are free to distribute and modify the file as long as you attribute its author(s) or licensor(s).

Images are public domain, except The Gate of Auschwitz which is released under the CC-BY-2.0 license.

Mynd søga

Click on a date/time to view the file as it appeared at that time.

Date/TimeBrúkariDimensionsFile sizeViðmerking
streymur10. des 2007 kl. 07:36Dna-webmaster800×1,094490 KBIt's not about effort, read the talk page!
10. des 2007 kl. 02:24Voevoda800×1,094151 KBThis version pays more tribute to Soviet effort, bringing about 85% of German losses
10. des 2007 kl. 02:23Voevoda800×1,094318 KBReverted to version as of 00:04, 15 September 2007
6. okt 2007 kl. 17:20Dna-webmaster800×1,094490 KB
15. sep 2007 kl. 00:04Dna-webmaster800×1,094318 KBReverted to version as of 14:21, 18 August 2007
12. sep 2007 kl. 17:54JukoFF800×1,094151 KBReverted to version as of 10:45, 18 August 2007
18. aug 2007 kl. 14:21Igno2800×1,094318 KBReverted to earlier revision
18. aug 2007 kl. 10:45JukoFF800×1,094151 KBОткачено к ранней версии
16. aug 2007 kl. 03:26Igno2800×1,094318 KBReverted to earlier revision
15. aug 2007 kl. 21:16JukoFF800×1,094151 KBОткачено к ранней версии
12. aug 2007 kl. 04:49Dna-webmaster800×1,094318 KBReverted to earlier revision
1. aug 2007 kl. 15:50JukoFF800×1,094151 KBОткачено к ранней версии
31. jul 2007 kl. 15:29QWerk800×1,094318 KBReverted to earlier revision
28. jul 2007 kl. 08:18JukoFF800×1,094151 KBОткачено к ранней версии
14. mar 2007 kl. 06:47Dna-webmaster800×1,094318 KB
14. mar 2007 kl. 06:03Dna-webmaster800×1,094309 KB
13. mar 2007 kl. 23:20Voevoda800×1,094151 KBReverted to earlier revision
13. mar 2007 kl. 22:51Edward800×1,094303 KBReverted to earlier revision
13. mar 2007 kl. 19:22Voevoda800×1,094151 KB== Image Montage Information == {{Information |Description=Montage for the [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_War_II World War II Main Page] in Wikipedia |Source=[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Dna-webmaster User:Dna-webmaster] |Date=2007-02-16 |Autho
27. feb 2007 kl. 13:34Dna-webmaster800×1,094309 KB
18. feb 2007 kl. 15:59Dna-webmaster800×1,094303 KB
16. feb 2007 kl. 20:04Dna-webmaster800×1,094275 KB
12. feb 2007 kl. 01:35IAMTHEEGGMAN800×1,094262 KBStretched out the Auschwitz Image, to replace the taken away image...
10. feb 2007 kl. 11:47Fred J800×1,094227 KBremove copyrighted image
21. nov 2005 kl. 22:56Dna-webmaster800×1,094482 KB
15. aug 2005 kl. 17:00Dna-webmaster800×1,094495 KB
27. jul 2005 kl. 01:50Dna-webmaster800×1,094447 KBA large and hi-res version of my original file.
26. jul 2005 kl. 23:25Dna-webmaster300×41051 KBThis is a picture I created for the [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_War_II World War II Main Page] in Wikipedia. This was done because there was a consensus among users that the previous picture of the Nagasaki bomb was not adequate. The image has be
26. jul 2005 kl. 19:00Dna-webmaster300×41039 KBThis is a picture I created for the World War II Main Page in Wikipedia. This was done because there was a consensus among users that the previous picture of the Nagasaki bomb was not adequate. The image has been optimized for web publication. Note: This

Hesar síður slóða til hesa mynd:


This file contains additional information, probably added from the digital camera or scanner used to create or digitize it. If the file has been modified from its original state, some details may not fully reflect the modified file.

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