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Talk:મુખપૃષ્ઠ - વિકિપીડિયા


વિકિપીડિયા થી


પ્રતિશ્રી વેબ્ ડેવલોપર હૂ સન્ત સ્વામીશા રાખુ છુ

આપ ધ્યાનમા લેશો, આ વેબ પર જે સુધારા વધારા થાય છે
તે વધુમાં વધુ  કેટલા સમયમાં ચર્ચા કરીને માન્ય્ કરવામા આવે છે.

આ ફરિયાદ નથી માત્ર જીગ્નાષા છે. હુ sandas નામથી વેબ પર સેવા આપવા માગુ છુ. મારો emailsantswamiji@yahoo.co.in છે. યોગ્ ય જવાબ આપવા વિનંતિ

જય ગરવી ગુજરાત,my e mail adress hammad@yahoo.com pk (pakistan) karachi,-- ૧૬:૫૧, ૨૬ July ૨૦૦૬ (UTC) Iwant imformation about one of a book name; kalki autar writen by a famous hidu scholer pandit upadhyay in gujaty or hindi ok please healp me howto fined on wikipedia ok thanks a sattar subhratry


Although the word 'Dhanyawaad' is acceptable as a Gujarati for Thanks, I feel the word 'Aabhaar' is more appropriate.

Aabhar !

Salim Somani salimssomani@yahoo.com

Done, thanx :). Btw if you dont know, wikipedia is a multiligual encyclopedia open for everyone to contribute. If you would like to contribute then you can start rightaway, visit help pages on en.wikipedia.org to understand how editing wikipages works and how the wikipedia community works as a whole. સ્પંદન (Spundun) 02:29, 30 Sep 2004 (UTC)

Should change the Main page to a Gujarati name. Yann 14:11, 19 Sep 2004 (UTC)

Done, Thanx :) સ્પંદન (Spundun) 02:35, 30 Sep 2004 (UTC)

I think the next most important thing to do is to write a FAQ. Hemanshu ૨૦:૧૩, ૧૮ Nov ૨૦૦૪ (UTC)

[ફેરફાર કરો] changes

i wnat to make changes in main navigation "history", how can I do it.

I want to change it in to gujarati "ઈતીહાસ" અથાવા તો "પાછલા ફેરફારો"

[ફેરફાર કરો] Please Express Your Objection

There’s someone proposing a policy to close some minor, slow-growing, “hopeless” wikipedias on the wikimedia meta-wiki. (see [1]) This proposal is the enemy to the openness of the whole wikipedia community. I come here to inform you to express your opinion there. I think it's OK to use your own language on on the talk page. Thank you. --Theodoranian૧૬:૦૬, ૨૬ July ૨૦૦૫ (UTC)

અિહયા ઘણા ફેર્ફારોની જરુર છે. િવિકિપિડયા જેવી જાણીતી સાઇટ પર આવુ ખરાબ લખાણ શરમજનક ગણાય.

લોકોએ બીજા પ્રોગ્રામ વાપરવા જોઇએ.

સૌને તરલના જય માતાજી!

[ફેરફાર કરો] ગુજરાતી સાહિત્યને લગતી નવી વેબ સાઈટ : www.readgujarati.com

ગુજરાતી સાહિત્ય ને લગતી નવી વેબ્સાઈટ : www.readgujarati.com

[ફેરફાર કરો] Bug [Bugzilla Landfill] 003325

Please take a look at
Bug [Bugzilla Landfill] 003325 – UNKNOWN: Links overlap at Gujarati wiki projects: gu.wikipedia gu.wiktionary gu.wikibooks

Best regards Gangleri 09:27, ૬ January ૨૦૦૬ (UTC)

[ફેરફાર કરો] tests

[ફેરફાર કરો] test with  

વિકિપીડિયા પર તમારું સ્વાગત છે. વિકિપીડિયા મુક્ત વિશ્વકોષ છે જેમાં કોઇપણ લખી શકે છે.

વિકિપીડિયા પર તમારું સ્વાગત છે. વિકિપીડિયા  મુક્ત વિશ્વકોષ છે જેમાં  કોઇપણ લખી શકે છે

[ફેરફાર કરો] MediaWiki:Sitenotice

If you are unable to see the Gujarati scripts on this page, go to english wikipedia's notes on Enabling complex text support for Indic scripts

[ફેરફાર કરો] more links

  1. MediaWiki:Monobook.css
  2. MediaWiki:Monobook.js
  3. bugzilla:00810 – Headings resitant to font changes on RTL pages – [2]
regards Gangleri | T 22:06, ૮ January ૨૦૦૬ (UTC)

i want to write new articles giving profiles in brief of Gujarati authors. How do I write my own article?

[ફેરફાર કરો] મુખપૃષ્ઠ/જુનું

Ok, So I come back after a year and someone moved the main page a couple of months back... Somebody else was nice enough to create a new main page. I will compare and contrast the two versions ... right now I've moved the old main page at મુખપૃષ્ઠ/જુનું... can't believe someone just moved it... whats going on with admin previleges... is that guy an admin? --સ્પંદન (Spundun) ૦૭:૨૯, ૭ March ૨૦૦૭ (UTC)

[ફેરફાર કરો] નવા મુખપૃષ્ઠ પર વ્યાકરણીય ભૂલો

The new Gujarati front page has many egregious grammatical errors, that reflect badly on the Gujarati community. Would any admins fix them soon please? For example, there are a few broken Hindi sentences/words, instead of clean Gujarati words, few sentences missing full stops/commands, વ ના બદલે બ કે ભ, વગેરે, વગેરે. I don't have admin privileges, so I would request that current admins take some action. I think Wikipedia could be a great tool to take a peek into the Gujarati culture.

I've made many changes and re-vamped the main-page. Hope you like it better now :)
Feel free to give more suggestions. And more importantly, please participate in the developement of gujarati wikipedia. You can do that by starting an article on your favorite topic, or by contributing to existing articles. See the mainpage's "પ્રસ્તુત લેખ - કામ ચાલુ છે" area to contribute to the articles that are slated to be featured articles. Thanks --સ્પંદન (Spundun) ૧૫:૪૩, ૨૭ March ૨૦૦૭ (UTC)

[ફેરફાર કરો] Mistranslation

Using “lekh surakShit karo” as the “Save Page” is a total mistranslation, and I implore any admin that reads this to change it! I didn’t know where to put this message, so I put it here. A good alternative would be something like “badlAv lagAvo”. ૧૬:૧૧, ૧૨ મે ૨૦૦૭ (UTC)

Hello Administrator,

This is what i discussed with Wkikipedia english encyclopedia, now i wish to help gujarati wikipedia, if you feel like, just let me know. Do read little suggestion i have made in my discussion note,


Shivraj Sharma


I was surfing thorugh your website, i also saw the gujarati page on your website, i noticed few things i thought they were worth mentioning:

like the tool box is wrongly mentioned as "hathiyar ni peti", actually it should be called "sadhano ni peti"

if you wish i would help you out with translation in gujarati.

I am working in Pune, Maharashtra, India and Imy mother tongue is Gujarati, hence i am able to read, write and understand that language well enough.

<e-mail address removed> - Dreaded Walrus

you can contact me on that, i'll help wikipedia voluntaryly as i personally like this website a lot.


Shivraj Sharma Sharma shivraj 13:27, 21 June 2007 (UTC)

You appear to be talking about the Gujarati Wikipedia. Your assistance would be much appreciated, but you should join that Wikipedia, as this is the English language Wikipedia. An administrator there should be able to help you. If you feel like working on system messages, it appears that 0% of these have been translated into Gujarati. Updates can be posted to bugzilla. - BanyanTree 14:53, 21 June 2007 (UTC) Shivraj sharma ૧૩:૦૦, ૨૨ જૂન ૨૦૦૭ (UTC)

[ફેરફાર કરો] Gujarati Wikibooks

There is a very small project called Gujarati Wikibooks. There is a vote to close the project or keep it open. If you want to close down Gujarati Wikibooks, you can vote "support deletion". If you want to keep Gujarati Wikibooks open, you can vote "oppose deletion". Also, if you write pages in the Gujarati language in the project, you can help keep it open. Please tell people about this in Gujarati.

(Il y a un tres petit projet nommé Gujarati Wikibooks. Il y a une vote pour déterminer si ce projet-la va continuer a exister ou pas. Si vous voulez que le projet Gujarati Wikibooks sera terminer, vous pouvez votez "support deletion". Si vous voulez que le projet continue a exister, vous pouvez votez "oppose deletion". Vous pouvez aussi aider le projet a continuer a exister par écrire des pages en la langue Gujarati dans ce projet-la. Ca serait bon si quelqu'un le disait aux autres en Gujarati) --Coppertwig ૨૩:૫૪, ૮ નવેમ્બર ૨૦૦૭ (UTC)

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