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Le mathematica (greco μαθηματικóς [mathimatikós]; ab máthima, scientia; amante del scientia) es le scientia que studia le relationes inter quantitates e magnitudes, e le methodos per les cuales on trova quantitates incognite a partir de altere quantitates cognoscite o presupposite. Altere definition de mathematica es que es le scientia del numeros (arithmetica) e del figuras (geometria). Secundo iste definition, le algebra esserea le forma general de iste duo brancas. Nonobstante, iste definition traditional de mathematica poterea non esser adequate pro le brancas plus recente de iste scientia. (Lege plus ...)

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Static Wikipedia 2008 (no images)

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Static Wikipedia 2007 (no images)

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Static Wikipedia 2006 (no images)

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