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Catharina Hepburn - Vicipaedia

Catharina Hepburn

E Vicipaedia

Catharina Hepburn (Anglice: Katharine Houghton Hepburn) (12 Maii 1907 vel 190929 Iunii 2003) erat actrix scaenica et cinematographica Americana.

[recensere] Vita

[recensere] Cinematographia

Fabula cinematographica ----- Persona

  • Bulla Divortii (A Bill of Divorcement) (1932) ----- Sydneia Fairfield
  • Christopherus Fortis (Christopher Strong) (1933) ----- Domina Cynthia Darrington
  • Gloria Matutina (Morning Glory) (1933) ----- Eva Lovelace
  • Mulierculae (Little Women) (1933) ----- Iosepha "Io" March
  • Sputatignem (Spitfire) (1934) ----- Triggera Hicks
  • Ministriculus (The Little Minister) (1934) ----- Barbara "Babbicula"
  • Abruptio Cordorum (Break of Hearts) (1935) ----- Constantia Dane Roberti
  • Alicia Adams (Alice Adams) sive in Civitatibus Foederatis Americae Septentrionalis Boothi Tarkington Alicia Adams (1935) ----- Alice Adams
  • Sylvia Scarlett (1935) ----- Sylvia Scarlett
  • Maria Scotorum (Mary of Scotland) (1936) ----- Maria, Scotorum regina
  • Mulier Tumultum Facit (A Woman Rebels) (1936) ----- Pamela 'Pam' Thistlewaite
  • Via Virtus (Quality Street) (1937) ----- Phoebe Throssel
  • Valvae Posticae Theatri (Stage Door) (1937) ----- Terria Randall
  • Infantem Creantes (Bringing Up Baby) (1938) ----- Susana Vance
  • Feriae (Holiday) sive in Regno Unito Ad Vivendum Liber (Free to Live) sive Linda Non Trita (Unconventional Linda) (1938) ----- Linda Seton
  • Philadelpiae Res (The Philadelphia Story (1940) ----- Tratia Lord
  • Anni Femina (Woman of the Year) (1942) ----- Tessa Harding
  • Custos Flammae (Keeper of the Flame) (1942) ----- Domina Christina Forrest
  • Semen Draconis (Dragon Seed) (1944) ----- Iade
  • Sine Amore (Without Love) (1945) ----- Iamia Rowan
  • Credo Americanus (American Creed) (1946) ----- Narrator
  • Aestus Submersus (Undercurrent) (1946) ----- Anna Hamilton
  • Mare Gramineum (The Sea of Grass) (1947) ----- Lutia Cameron Brewton
  • Carmen Amoris (Song of Love) (1947) ----- Clara Wieck Schumann
  • Status Foederatae (State of the Union sive in Regno Unito Mundus et Uxor Sua (The World and His Wife) (Indicta "Catherinae" Hepburn) (1948) ----- Maria Matthews
  • Adami Costa (Adam's Rib) (1949) ----- Amanda Bonner
  • Schumann Res (The Schumann Story) (1950) ----- Clara Wieck Schumann
  • Africana Regina (The African Queen) (1951) ----- Rosa Sayer
  • Pat et Michaelicus (Pat and Mike) (1952) ----- Patricia 'Pat' Pemberton
  • Aestas (Summertime) sive in Regno Unito Insania Aestiva (Summer Madness) (1955) ----- Iana Hudson
  • Effector Pluviae (The Rainmaker) (1956) ----- Lisa Curry
  • Castula Ferrea (The Iron Petticoat) sive Non Ad Pecuniam (Not for Money) (1956) ----- Vinka Kovelenko
  • Corpus U Formati Scrinii (U-Desk Set) Regno Unito Alia Mulier Sua (His Other Woman) (1957) ----- Lepus Watson
  • Subito, Aestate Praeterito (Suddenly Last Summer) (1959) ----- Domina Violeta Venable
  • Longum Iter Unius Diei Intro Noctis (Long Day's Journey Into Night) (1962) ----- Maria Tyrone
  • Hoc Tu Indaga Qui Venit Nobiscum Cenare (Guess Who's Coming to Dinner) (1967) ----- Christina Drayton
  • Leo Hieme (The Lion in Winter) (1968) ----- Aleonora Aquitana Angliae regina
  • Insana in Chaillot (The Madwoman of Chaillot) (1969) ----- Comitissa Aurelia
  • Troades (The Trojan Women) (1971) ----- Hecuba
  • Aequilibrium Lubricum (A Delicate Balance) (1973) ----- Agnes
  • Belluarium Vitreum (The Glass Menagerie) sive in Civitatibus Foederatis Americae Septentrionalis Tennessii Williams Belluarium Vitreum (Tennessee Williams' The Glass Menagerie) (1973) (pellicula televisica) ----- Amanda Wingfield
  • Inter Ruinas Amor (Love Among the Ruins) (1975) (TV) ----- Iessica Medlicott
  • Gallus Cogburn (Rooster Cogburn) sive Gallus Cogburn Dominaque (Rooster Cogburn and the Lady) ----- (1975) Eula Bonam Noctem
  • Granum Viride Est (The Corn Is Green) (1979) (pellicula televisica) ----- Domini Moffat Filia Lilla
  • In Lacu Aurato (On Golden Pond) (1981) ----- Ethel Thayer
  • Gratia Quigley (Grace Quigley) sive Ultima Solutio Gratiae Quigley (The Ultimate Solution of Grace Quigley) (1984) ----- Gratia Quigley
  • Domina Delafield Velle Maritare (Mrs. Delafield Wants to Marry) (1986) (pellicula televisica) ----- Margareta Delafield
  • Laura Lansing Dorvit Hic (Laura Lansing Slept Here) (1988) (pellicula televisica) ----- Laura Lansing
  • Vir in Tabulatum Superius (The Man Upstairs) (1992) (pellicula televisica) ----- Victoria Brown
  • Hic Non Potest Esse Amor (This Can't Be Love) (1994) (pellicula televisica) ----- Mariana Bennett
  • Casus Amore Captorum (Love Affair) (1994) ----- Ginia
  • Nativitas (One Christmas) sive in Civitatibus Foederatis Americae Septentrionalis Trumani Capote Nativitas (Truman Capote's One Christmas) (1994) (pellicula televisica) ----- Cornelia Beaumont

[recensere] Exhibitiones magnae in scaena

Annus LocusAuctor Ludus scaenicus/fabula ----- Persona

  • 1930 Novi Eboraci — Ivani Turgenev Mensis Rusticus (A Month in the Country) ----- Catia
  • 1936 in excursione — Carolae Bronte Ioana Eyre (Jane Eyre) accomodata Helenae Jerome ----- Ioana Eyre
  • 1939 Novi Eboraci — Philippi Barry Philadelpiae Res (The Philadelphia Story) ----- Tratia Lord
  • 1950 Novi Eboraci et in excursioneGulielmi Shakespeare Ut Voles (As You Like It) ----- Rosalinda
  • 1952 Novi Eboraci et in excursioneBernardi Shavii Ditissima (The Millionairess) ----- Domina Epiphania
  • 1955 in excursione in AustraliaGulielmi Shakespeare Mercator Venetianus (The Merchant of Venice) ----- Porcia ----- et Domitus Furiae (The Taming of the Shrew) ----- Catharina
  • 1957 Stratfordiae, in ConnecticutaGulielmi Shakespeare Domitus Furiae (The Taming of the Shrew) ----- Catharina ----- et Fluctus in Simpulo (Much Ado About Nothing) ----- Beatrix
  • 1960 Stratfordiae, in Connecticuta — Gulielmi Shakespeare Nox Epiphaniae (Twelfth Night) ----- Viola ----- et Antonius et Cleopatra (Antony and Cleopatra) ----- Cleopatra regina Aegypti
  • 1969 Novi Eboraci et in excursione — Alani Jay Lerner Coco Chanel (Coco) ----- Coco
  • 1976 Novi Eboraci et in excursione — Enidi Bagnold Quaestio Gravis (A Matter of Gravity) ----- Domina Basil
  • 1981 Novi Eboraci et in excursione — Ernesti Thompson Saltatio Vindobonensis Lati Occidentalis (The West Side Waltz) ----- Margareta Elderdice

David's face Haec stipula ad biographiam spectat. Amplifica, si potes!
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