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Disputatio:Pagina prima - Vicipaedia

Disputatio:Pagina prima

E Vicipaedia




[recensere] help us make the project of Wikipedia in ancient greek a success!!!

Dears editors of Vicipaedia: We are the promoters of the Wikipedia in Ancient Greek. our project only need surpasse the last step to succeed. PLEASE HELP TRANSLATE THE MEDIAWIKI INTERFACE FOR ANCIENT GREEK AS THIS PROPOSAL REQUIRES!!!, for finally approbation.

Thanks a lot for your help. Ἡ Οὐικιπαιδεία needs you!

[recensere] How do you translate to latin names?

Göran is Georgius etc.. How do you know these stuff?

[recensere] centering and translatio hebdomadalis

Like it better or worse, centered?

Also, does anyone mind the new translatio hebdomadalis part? I know it may sometimes be a glaring red link on an otherwise very pretty main page. But maybe the eyesore will get people to contribute =] --Ioscius (disp) 04:43, 2 Augusti 2007 (UTC)

Neutral as to centering, translatio hebdomadis is good! I do not mind the admonishing power of the redlink ;-) --UV 10:08, 2 Augusti 2007 (UTC)

[recensere] Opes et commendationes

I have put this set of links into {{Opes}}, so that it can appear not only on the pagina prima but also in {{Opesbox}} at the top of each help page. Hope this is OK. Andrew Dalby 15:02, 13 Augusti 2007 (UTC)

Now I have similarly gathered the links to lists of pages and categories into {{Indices categoriarum}}. On the top of each of the first-stop how-to-write-a-page pages I have put the navigation formula {{Opesbox}}, matching the design of the pagina prima. Does this seem good on the whole? Andrew Dalby 18:25, 13 Augusti 2007 (UTC)

[recensere] Encyclopaedia

As the pagina prima was getting its new look, I said (I think) that I was worried about the quality of some of the first-stop articles that have links in the encyclopaedia section. They're very variable ... When I can find time I'm going to try to improve a few of them, and if others feel like doing something similar that would be great.

It's partly text, partly images, partly how they are linked together and what is linked on from them. They are supposed to be a way into Vicipaedia, and I think some currently serve this purpose better than others. I'm going to try working in the area Litterae and maybe Linguistica first: let's face it, it wouldn't make much sense for me to attempt science :=) Andrew Dalby 20:12, 14 Augusti 2007 (UTC)

Haha. I suppose Rafael and I will have to lend a hand, then =] --Ioscius (disp) 21:50, 14 Augusti 2007 (UTC)

[recensere] lv.wiki

> 10 000. 09:50, 21 Augusti 2007 (UTC)

Good. --UV 22:20, 21 Augusti 2007 (UTC)

[recensere] Link for the bulgarian Wikipedia

I hope that anybody of administartors would add link in pagina prima for the Bulgarian Wikipedia (bg:). Thank you!--Araneus 12:09, 30 Augusti 2007 (UTC)

Done.--Ioscius (disp) 13:43, 30 Augusti 2007 (UTC)

[recensere] Why

Why didn't appear turkish language in the main page? turkish language is one of the largest wikipedias with its more than 90.000 articles.-- 14:47, 8 Septembris 2007 (UTC)

It's there on the bottom! See VICIPAEDIAE SVPER 10000 PAGINARVM --Rafaelgarcia 14:52, 8 Septembris 2007 (UTC)

[recensere] Num haec Vicipaedia britannica est?

Valde miror disputationum auctores lingua britannica uti. Quid? Nonne hoc opus ad vivam Latinitatem adiuvandam conditum est? Quin immo multae ex paginis non latine scriptae mihi videntur sed e britannico sermone ad verbum conversae, adeo ut barbarismis soloecismisque qui dicuntur horrerent. Vos amici obsecro ut nihil nisi latine hic scribatis inusitatisque vocibus parcatis, id quod maxime perficietis classicos auctores legendo.

"Libenter loquere qualibet lingua in paginis disputationis, in tua pagina usoris, in nostra Taberna, et in nostra Legatione." e pagina Vicipaedia:Latinitas--Rafaelgarcia 22:34, 4 Ianuarii 2008 (UTC)

[recensere] Interwiki

Hi, I do not speak Latin, but anyway. I suggest that the Latin wiki Pagina prima makes the same interwiki links as en-wiki, and the "complete list" thing. What about this?
[[simple:]] [[ar:]] [[id:]] [[ms:]] [[bs:]] [[bg:]] [[ca:]] [[cs:]] [[da:]] [[de:]] [[et:]] [[el:]] [[es:]] [[eo:]] [[eu:]] [[fa:]] [[fr:]] [[gl:]] [[he:]] [[hr:]] [[it:]] [[ko:]] [[lt:]] [[hu:]] [[nl:]] [[ja:]] [[no:]] [[nn:]] [[pl:]] [[pt:]] [[ro:]] [[ru:]] [[sk:]] [[sl:]] [[sr:]] [[fi:]] [[sv:]] [[th:]] [[tr:]] [[uk:]] [[vi:]] [[zh:]]

What would be your reasons for doing so? I changed the interwiki links now to show all wikipedias with at least 100.000 articles according to m:List of Wikipedias, excluding Volapük (there is not much useful content to be found in that wikipedia). More links can be found in the "Vicipaediae in linguis aliis" box, there is also the Index plenissimus link there. If you want to see all wikimedia projects, go to Special:Sitematrix. --UV 22:28, 16 Ianuarii 2008 (UTC)

[recensere] Linguis aliis: Bahasa Melayu

You might want to add Bahasa Melayu to the "Linguis aliis" as well.

It is already present in the "Vicipaediae·in·lingvis·aliis" box. --UV 11:29, 3 Februarii 2008 (UTC)

[recensere] I love this

But when I signed up, I got the confirmation in English. Numitor 15:49, 5 Februarii 2008 (UTC)

Not all parts of the user interface have been translated into Latin already. Welcome! --UV 20:30, 5 Februarii 2008 (UTC)

[recensere] Första sidan

Vill bara berömma första sidans utformare för ett fint verk! Aaker 18:08, 6 Februarii 2008 (UTC)

Å utformarens vägnar, tack för berömmet om Vicipaedias presentationssida! Fint att du inte upplevde statyetten för högtravande. --Neander 19:37, 6 Februarii 2008 (UTC)
Quid?--Ioscius (disp) 20:29, 6 Februarii 2008 (UTC)
Ego quoque me paenitet linguam Suecicam ignorare quod multum desidero scire quod sodalis noster Aaker dixit. Dixitne fortasse nostram paginam primam esse pulcherrimam?--Rafaelgarcia 04:21, 7 Februarii 2008 (UTC)
Dixit. Et auctorem paginae primae magnopere laudavit. --Neander 03:17, 8 Februarii 2008 (UTC)
Babae! Wow! Multas gratias tibi propter ad Latinam nobis suam sententiam vertendam.--Rafaelgarcia 14:55, 10 Februarii 2008 (UTC)
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