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Discuter:Lokásá ya libosó - Wikipedia

Discuter:Lokásá ya libosó

Un article de Wikipedia.


[kokoma] Nouveau plan

Distribution géographique de la langue
Distribution géographique de la langue

J'ai fait un nouveau plan. On pourrait l'utiliser sur la page Lingála et Lonkásá ya libosó. [[Image:LanguageMap-Lingala-Location.png]]

vert foncé: lingála langue maternelle; vert clair: lingála langue véhiculaire
vert foncé: lingála langue maternelle; vert clair: lingála langue véhiculaire
Entre l'ancienne carte (pas selon les indications wikipédia) il y avait deux informations. Celle de la diffusion géographique comme langue véhiculaire (vert claire manque), p.ex. le nord de l'Angola. Par contre la nouvelle carte est plus belle. --Bombo 13:21, 11 Apr 2005 (UTC)
Est-ce que c'est mieux comme ça? ---Moyogo 03:20, 12 Apr 2005 (UTC)
Parfait. --Bombo 13:21, 27 ogusiti 2005 (UTC)

[kokoma] interface translations

Why are interface translations in French and Lingala, instead of JUST lingala??

Unfortunately the number of Lingála speaking participants on the Lingála Wikipedia is very small. Some people who help the Lingála Wikipedia can't speak very well the Lingála language. That is the reason because some menus are bilingual Lingála/French. First all tools were in English.
Let's find a lot of Lingála speaking peoble who participe and we don't need anymore the French translation!
Please sign your comments. Thank you. --Bombo 13:28, 27 ogusiti 2005 (UTC)
That's no excuse. If you do not remove French right away, I will complain on meta-wiki.
There was a consensus about this befor you arrived on the ln WP, but WP is democratic, so you can register and then start a discussion about this topic on http://ln.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia_talk:Community_Portal
Meta sais about Wikipedia: Wikipedia has three meanings:
  • First, it is an encyclopedia. This is the end product, which has to be promoted (via press release, interviews), stabilized (cd and paper version), distributed (in as many countries and as many languages possible) and protected (respect of our copyright, brand name)
  • Second, it is a project. With all its technical requirements, data organisation etc
  • Third, it is a community, rather loose, very diverse, with participants having one common goal : making free and organised content together... and perhaps as many related goals as there are participants
Please help us, we need people like you for new articles in Lingála or who translate articles from the English (or another) Wikipedia to Lingála. --Bombo 16:13, 30 ogusiti 2005 (UTC)
Mark has brought this issue up on the Wikipedia mailing list. Have you considered just setting your own Preferences to French rather than adding French to the default interface? Any logged in user can see the interface in any language after setting their preferences, and non-logged users can do so by appending &uselang=en to the URL, like Lonkásá ya libosó?uselang=fr. Angela 08:03, 8 septembere 2005 (UTC)
The interface and the content should be in lingala only. So far we still need a lot of translators. The interface is not completely translated but what has been done should not be displayed in french. As far as the content, we should avoid having pages in English or French. It's okey to have keyword (as in a table or sections titles) but the content itself should be in lingala. Translators shouldn't copy and paste, and then leave untranslated text. ----Moyogo 16:26, 8 septembere 2005 (UTC)
If there are anymore some French words in the interface, please tell me. For English words, please help to translate. To translate, you can became an administrator or translate on this page, and an administrator will change the interface. Please help us, we need people like you for new articles in Lingála or who translate articles from the English (or another) Wikipedia to Lingála. --Bombo 13:13, 15 septembere 2005 (UTC)

[kokoma] Lonkásá ya libosó ya sika

Merci Moyogo pour tout les ressources et liens que tu m'as indiqué. Cette version User:Moyogo/Lonkásá ya libosó Me plaît beaucoup. J'essaye de traduire le plus possible d'ici début janvier, mais il me faut le soutien d'un ou de pusieurs lingalaphone(s). Le Dictionnaire de Dzokanga ne remplace pas les connaissance de langues et les miens du lingala sont trop petit.... Le 9 janvier 2006, nous fêterons le 1er anniversaire de cette wikipedia! Sera-t-il la bonne date pour la nouvelle page d'acceuil? --Bombo 16:13, 5 desembere 2005 (UTC)

[kokoma] Wikipedia Logo

Na lingi ete ndeko admin, atala possibilite ya kobalola logo ya Wikipedia o mankasa na lingala, mpo ete "The Free Encyclopedia" ekomama mpe na Lingala. Na ntomeli bino mokolo elamu o mangomba na bino. Themalau 11:12, 16 avril 2006 (UTC)

Pour cela nous avons besoin d'une proposition du texte en lingála (cf. meta:Logo#Localisation). Qui proposera une traduction pour L'encyclopaedie libre/The Free Encyclopedia ? --Bombo 08:40, 18 avril 2006 (UTC)
Mbɛlɛ Búku ya ndimbola ya bonsɔ́míBúku-ndimbola ya libonza ? --Moyogo 20:20, 22 yanuari 2007 (UTC)

[kokoma] Bamito? Erreurs?

Je crois que cette phrase

Boyéí bolámu na ebandélí ya wikipedia, búku ya libosó ya lingála sɔ́kí bolobaka lingála mpé sɔ́kí bokanísí éte búku ya lingála ekozala malámu, bokɛndɛ́ na kotámbola ya libosó. Bazalí nkásá 332 ya lingála o Wikipedia

devrait être:

Boyéí bolámu na ebandélí ya Wikipedia, búku ya libosó ya lingála. Sɔ́kí bolobaka lingála mpé sɔ́kí bokanísí éte búku ya lingála ekozala malámu, bokɛndɛ́ na kotámbola ya libosó. Bazalí nkásá 332 ya lingála o Wikipedia. <--point final

J'ai essayé de la changer mais nakoki te. --DBlomgren 03:16, 12 yanuari 2007 (UTC)

Voilà, naútí kobɔngisa Template:Lonkásá ya libosó/Mbɔ́tɛ. --Moyogo 11:51, 12 yanuari 2007 (UTC)

[kokoma] Automatiquemet?

Galasia (<--espangala:) po na correction. J'ai noté autre erreur: Dans la boite orange qui apparait quand on fait des changements, dans la dernière ligne, "automatiquement" est mal écrit.

Est-ce qu'on va ajouter autres codes dans les caractères spéciaux, tels comme "<nowiki></nowiki>"? Et est-il possible ajouter mouse-over text pour expliquer ce que c'est "& nbsp; "? DBlomgren 02:41, 13 yanuari 2007 (UTC)

[kokoma] Wikibooks

There is a project called Lingála Wikibooks. The project is empty. No one is working on it. There is a vote to close the project or keep it open. If you want to close down Lingala Wikibooks, you can vote "support deletion". If you want to keep Lingala Wikibooks open, you can vote "oppose deletion". Also, if you write pages in the Lingala language in the project, you can help keep it open. It would help if someone would tell people about the vote in Lingala.

(Il y a un projet nommé Lingála Wikibooks, pour écrire des livres ensemble. Le projet est vide: personne n'écrit rien la-dedans. Il y a une vote pour déterminer si ce projet-la va continuer a exister ou pas. Si vous voulez que le projet Lingala Wikibooks sera terminer, vous pouvez votez "support deletion". Si vous voulez que le projet continue a exister, vous pouvez votez "oppose deletion". Vous pouvez aussi aider le projet de continuer a exister par écrire des pages en la langue Lingála dans ce projet-la. Ca serait bon si quelqu'un disait aux autres en Lingala au sujet de ce vote.) --Coppertwig 21:37, 6 novɛ́mbɛ 2007 (UTC)

[kokoma] Betawiki: better support for your language in MediaWiki

Dear community. I am writing to you to promote a special wiki called Betawiki. This wiki facilitates the localisation (l10n) of the MediaWiki interface. You may have changed many messages here to use your language in the interface, but if you would log in to for example the Japanese language Wiktionary, you would not be able to use the interface as well translated as here. In fact, of over 1,700 messages in the core of MediaWiki, 75 messages have been translated. Betawiki also supports the translation of messages for well over 100 extensions, with over 1,550 messages. Translators for over 70 languages contribute their work to MediaWiki this way every month.

If you wish to contribute to better support of your language in MediaWiki, as well as for many MediaWiki extensions, please visit Betawiki, create an account and request translator privileges. You can see the current status of localisation of your language on MediaWiki.org and do not forget to get in touch with others that may already be working on your language on Betawiki.

If you have any further questions, please let me know on my talk page on Betawiki. We will try and assist you as much as possible, for example by importing all messages from a local wiki for you to start with, if you so desire.

You can also find us on the Freenode IRC network in the channel #mediawiki-i18n where we would be happy to help you get started.

Thank you very much for your attention and I do hope to see some of you on Betawiki soon! Cheers! Siebrand@Betawiki 13 dɛsɛ́mbɛ 2007 à 17:30 (UTC)

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