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Bahasa Moldova - Wikipedia Bahasa Melayu, ensiklopedia bebas

Bahasa Moldova

Dari Wikipedia Bahasa Melayu, ensiklopedia bebas.

Templat:Eastern Romance languages

Bahasa Moldova atau Bahasa Moldavia merupakan nama rasmi bagi Bahasa Romania di Republik Moldova dan wilayah pisahnya Transnistria.[1][2] Perlembagaan Moldova (Judul I, Perkara 13) menyatakan bahawa bahasa "Bahasa Moldova" merupakan bahasa rasmi bagi negara ini. Dalam Pengisytiharan Kemerdekaan Moldova bahasa yang sama ini dipanggil Bahasa Romania.[3] Namun Presiden Moldova Vladimir Voronin menitikberatkan identiti yang berasingan bagi Bahasa Moldova, menuduh bahawa Romania gagal melakukan yang sama.[4] Sekumpulan ahli bahasa Romania mengambil keputusan menyatakan bahawa promosi Bahasa Moldova ini merupakan sebuah kempen yang tidak saintifik.[5]

"Bahasa Moldova" (graiul moldovenesc, dalam sumber yang lebih lama limba moldovenească) juga boleh merujuk kepada satu jenis utara bagi Bahasa lisan Romania dalam wilayah bekas Prinsipaliti Moldavia (kini berpisah di antara Moldova dengan Romania). Tiadanya pemisahan linguistik yang tertentu di Sungai Prut, yang memisahkan Moldova dari Romania. Jenis Moldavia dikira salah satu dairpada kelima-lima jenis bahasa lisan Romania, kesemuanya ditulis dengan sama, tetapi hanya lebih kurang daripada separuh daripada penutur jenis ini tinggal di Moldova, sedangkan lebih daripada separuh tinggal di kawasan bersebelahan di Romania.

The standard alphabet of the language is the Latin alphabet (currently official in the Republic of Moldova). During the Soviet era, between 1940 and 1989, the Moldovan Cyrillic alphabet (different from old Romanian Cyrillic alphabet) was used. As of 2007, it remains in use only in breakaway region of Transnistria.

Moldavian was assigned code mo in ISO 639-1 and code mol in ISO 639-2 and ISO/DIS 639-3.[6]

Senarai kandungan

[sunting] Sejarah dan politik

Templat:See main Sejarah "Bahasa Moldova" (Bahasa Romania) di Moldova berkait rapat dengan status politik kawasan ini, dengan tempoh pemerintahan panjang oleh Rusia dan Kesatuan Soviet yang mempengaruhi nama bahasa ini dan (apabila tulisan Cyril digunakan) orthografinya. Perkembangan utama terkini termasuk pengembalian kepada tulisan Rumi daripada tulisan Cyril pada tahun 1989 dan beberapa perubahan dalam nama rasmi bagi bahasa yang digunakan di Moldova, daripada "Bahasa Moldova" kepada Bahasa Romania dan oleh beberapa individual kepada asal. Pada satu titik kekeliruan tertentu mengenai identiti pada zaman 1990-an, semua rujukan kepada geografi pada nama bahasa ini disingkirkan, dan dikenali secara rasmi sebagai limba de stat - "Bahasa Negara".

[sunting] Controversy

Maklumat lanjut: Moldovenism
Major varieties of the Romanian language
Major varieties of the Romanian language
Demonstration in Chişinău, January 2002. The text on the inscription is "Romanian people -Romanian language"
Demonstration in Chişinău, January 2002. The text on the inscription is "Romanian people -Romanian language"

The matter of whether or not "Moldovan" is a separate language is a contested political issue within and beyond the Republic of Moldova.

The 1989 law on language of the Moldavian SSR, which is still effective in Moldova according to the Constitution,[7] asserts the existence of "linguistic Moldo-Romanian identity".[8] Title I, Article 13 of the Moldovan Constitution, names it "the national language of the country" (the original Moldovan/Romanian uses the term limba de stat, which literally means the language of the state, or official language, thus avoiding the term national, whose sense is that of ethnicity). In the breakaway region of Transnistria, it is co-official with Ukrainian and Russian.

Despite the official nomenclature, standard "Moldovan" is widely considered to be identical to standard Romanian.[9] Writing about "essential differences", Vasile Stati, supporter of Moldovenism, is obliged to concentrate almost exclusively on lexical rather than grammatical differences. Whatever language distinctions may once have existed, these have been decreasing rather than increasing: "... in the main, Moldovan in its standard form was more Romanian by the 1980s than at any point in its history".[10]

In 2002, the Moldovan Minister of Justice, Ion Morei, said that Romanian and "Moldovan" are the same language and that the Constitution of Moldova should be amended, not necessarily by changing the word Moldovan into Romanian, but by adding that "Romanian and Moldovan are the same language".[11] Education Minister Valentin Beniuc said, "I have stated more than once that the notion of a Moldovan language and a Romanian language reflects the same linguistic phenomenon in essence."[12] The President of Moldova, Vladimir Voronin, acknowledged that the two languages are identical, but said that Moldovans should have the right to call their language "Moldovan".[13]

The official language of Moldova is regulated by the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, which calls it Romanian.[petikan diperlukan]

In the 2004 census, out of the 3,383,332 people living in Moldova, 16.5% (558,508) chose Romanian as their mother tongue, whereas 60% chose "Moldovan". While 40% of all urban Romanian/Moldovan speakers chose Romanian as their mother tongue, in the countryside barely one in seven Romanian/Moldovan speakers indicated Romanian as his mother tongue.[14]

There are, however, few regional differences between the colloquial spoken languages of Moldova and Romania, and the common speech of areas such as Chişinău or Transnistria can be distinguished from the speech of Iaşi, a Romanian city that is also part of the former Principality of Moldavia, while the difference in the common speech between Iaşi and the capital of Romania Bucharest is even greater.[petikan diperlukan] In general, before 1988-89, the less educated, the greater the difference from standard Romanian, and the more words were borrowed ad hoc from Russian into the daily speech.Templat:Or However, others have argued that these differences might be found within any linguistic territory.[petikan diperlukan]

[sunting] Moldovan language and the EU

When reporting on the proposal for a decision of the EU Council concerning the conclusion of the Agreement between the European Community and Republic of Moldova the rapporteur objected to the use of the term "Moldovan language".[15] This has led to speculation in the Romanian press to the conclusion that supposedly the EU (or Leonard Orban, European Commissioner for Multilingualism) banned the usage of the term "Moldovan language (e.g.,[16]) In his November 17, 2007 interview, Leonard Orban denied these allegations, stating: "It is not the European Commission who acknowledges one language or the other. I want to be very clear about it: it is a decision that belongs to every national state. When views are different, of course they have to be settled politically, not at the European Commission level, but by the states that have different views."[17]

[sunting] Orthografi

Maklumat lanjut: Huruf Bahasa Romania

Antara tahun 1940 hingga 1989, misalnya semasa pemerintahan Soviet, tulisan Cyril menggantikan tulisan Rumi sebagai tulisan rasmi di Moldova (ketika itu RSS Moldavia). Pada tahun 1989, tulisan Rumi menggantikan tulisan Cyril, dengan menggunakan peraturan ortografi Bahasa Romania dengan sepenuhnya.

[sunting] Catatan

  1. Kogan Page 2004, p 242
  2. http://ec.europa.eu/translation/language_aids/recognition/field_guide_main_languages_of_europe_en.pdf A Field Guide to the Main Languages of Europe - Spot that language and how to tell them apart], on the website of the European Commission
  3. Templat:Ro iconDeclaraţia de independenţa a Republicii Moldova, Moldova Suverană
  4. Moldovans suspicious of Romania’s intentions. The Financial Times: (2007-12-08). Dicapai pada 2007-12-16.
  5. Templat:Ro iconZiare.ro - Linguists condemn "Moldovan language". Dicapai pada 2007-11-10.
  6. SIL International: ISO 639 code sets: Documentation for ISO 639 identifier: mol
  7. Constitution of the Republic of Moldova, Title 7, Article 7: "The law of 1 September 1989 regarding the usage of languages spoken on the territory of the Republic of Moldova remains valid, excepting the points where it contradicts this constitution."
  8. Legea cu privire la funcţionarea limbilor vorbite pe teritoriul RSS Moldoveneşti Nr.3465-XI din 01.09.89 Vestile nr.9/217, 1989 (Law regarding the usage of languages spoken on the territory of the Republic of Moldova): "Moldavian SSR supports the desire of the Moldovans that live across the borders of the Republic, and considering the really existing linguistical Moldo-Romanian identity - of the Romanians that live on the territory of the USSR, of doing their studies and satisfying their cultural needs in their maternal language."
  9. Kogan Page 2004, p 291 ; IHT, 16 June 2000, p. 2 ; Dyer 1999, 2005
  10. King 2000
  11. Ion Morei: The Moldovan language is identical to the Romanian language, Moldova Azi, 10 September 2002
  12. Din nou fără burse, Jurnal de Chişinău, 25 May 2004
  13. Mediafax interview
  14. National Bureau of Statistics of the Republic of Moldova: Census 2004
  15. [1]
  16. "Orban a eliminat “limba moldovenească” de pe site-ul Comisiei Europene" Templat:Ro icon
  17. [2]

[sunting] Rujukan

  • Dyer, D. (1999). The Romanian Dialect of Moldova: A Study in Language and Politics. Lewiston, NY: Edwin Mellen Press. (ISBN 0-7734-8037-4)
  • Dyer, Donald Leroy, ed. Studies in Moldovan. New York: Columbia University Press (East European Monographs), 1996. (ISBN 0-88033-351-0)
  • Stati, V.N. Dicţionar moldovenesc-românesc. [=Moldovan-Romanian dictionary.] Chişinău: Tipografia Centrală (Biblioteca Pro Moldova), 2003. (ISBN 9975-78-248-5)
  • Dumbrava, V. (2004). Sprachkonflikt und Sprachbewusstsein in der Republik Moldova: Eine empirische Studie in gemischtethnischen Familien (Sprache, Mehrsprachigkeit und sozialer Wandel). Bern: Peter Lang. (ISBN 3-631-50728-3)
  • Movileanu N. Din istoria Transnistriei (1924-1940), Revista de istorie a Moldovei, 1993, #2.
  • Negru E. Introducerea si interzicerea grafiei latine in R.A.S.S.M, 1999, Revista de istorie a Moldovei, #3-4.
  • (2004). Europe Review 2003/2004. Kogan Page.
  • King, C. The Moldovans: Romania, Russia and the Politics of Culture, Hoover Institution Press, 2000, ISBN 0-8179-9792-X.

[sunting] Pautan luar

Templat:Romance languages Templat:Romanian language

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