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Gael García Bernal - Wikipedia Bahasa Melayu, ensiklopedia bebas

Gael García Bernal

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Gael García Bernal

Gael García Bernal, 2005
Lahir 30 November 1978 (umur 29)
Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico

Gael García Bernal (/IPA: ga'el gaɾ'sia beɾ'nal/; born November 30, 1978) is a Mexican actor and director.

Senarai kandungan

[sunting] Biography

[sunting] Early life

García Bernal was born in Guadalajara, Jalisco, the son of Patricia Bernal, an actress and former model, and José Angel García, an actor and director.[1] His stepfather is Sergio Yazbek, to whom his mother married when García Bernal was young.[2] He started acting at just a year old and spent most of his teen years starring in telenovelas. When he was fourteen, he taught literacy to indigenous peoples in Mexico, most often with the Huichol Indians.[3] In his later teens he took part in peaceful demonstrations during the Chiapas uprising of 1994.[4]

[sunting] Career

García Bernal was becoming a soap opera heartthrob, but at age 19, he left Mexico's television world to study acting at the Central School of Speech and Drama in London, becoming the first person from Mexico to be accepted in the program, and take the journey. Subsequently, García Bernal has starred in some of Mexico's most celebrated recent films, beginning with Amores Perros (2000), then 2001's Y tu mamá también, and El crimen del Padre Amaro (2002). He has also done some theatre work, including a 2005 production of Bodas de Sangre, by Federico García Lorca, in the Almeida Theatre in London. However, it was his debut as a working-class street thug in the Oscar-nominated Amores Perros that first grabbed Hollywood's attention.

Imej:The Motorcycle Diaries scrnshot.jpg
García Bernal (as Che Guevara) with Rodrigo de la Serna in an image from 2004's The Motorcycle Diaries

García Bernal has also portrayed Argentine-born physician turned Cuban revolutionary Che Guevara twice, first in the 2002 TV miniseries Fidel and then, better known, in 2004's The Motorcycle Diaries, an adaptation of a journal a 23-year-old Guevara wrote about his travels across South America. García Bernal has worked for acclaimed directors like Pedro Almodóvar, Walter Salles, Alfonso Cuarón, Alejandro González Iñárritu and Michel Gondry, among others. He has recently taken on roles in English language films, including the Gondry-directed The Science of Sleep, the Alejandro González Iñárritu-directed Babel, and The King, for which he has earned rave reviews.[5] He has been nominated for a BAFTA in 2005 for Best Performance by an Actor in a Leading Role for The Motorcycle Diaries and, in 2006, was nominated for the Orange Rising Star award which acknowledges new talents in the acting industry.

García Bernal has also directed his first feature film, Déficit, which is scheduled for release in 2007.[6][7]

García Bernal is also featured on the 2007 Devendra Banhart album Smokey Rolls Down Thunder Canyon, contributing vocals on the first track entitled "Cristobal"

[sunting] Personal life

García Bernal is "culturally Catholic" and "spiritually agnostic".[8] He speaks Spanish, English, Portuguese, French and Italian. García Bernal studied at the Edron Academy in Mexico City. He plays soccer in the Adecmac soccer league in Mexico City.

Gael Garcia Bernal dated actress Natalie Portman in 2003.

[sunting] Quotes

  • "The talent survives and remains while the beauty is diluted."[9]
  • "Changes occur that way. Suddenly the bricks fall into place in some sort of chaotic serenity." [10]
  • "I'm an actor. I don't need to abide by any ethnicity."[11]
  • "I was very involved. I helped with sending food, writing and reading about the situation, and demonstrating about it on the marches. It was great. I was young, and it was fun. And I've got to say, I met my first girlfriend – my first real girlfriend – there as well. It was a great place to meet girls!"- Gael on the Chiapas uprising[4]

[sunting] Filmography

Year Title Role Notes
2008 Blindness King of Ward 3 Filming begins July 2007
2007 Déficit Director Also producing the movie
Rudo y Cursi
El Pasado Rímini
2006 Babel Santiago Oscar winner for Best Score, 7 total nominations including Best Picture
The Science of Sleep Stéphane
2005 The King Elvis
2004 Bad Education Ángel/Juan/Zahara Goya nomination for Best Film
The Motorcycle Diaries Ernesto "Che" Guevara de la Serna Oscar winner for Best Song, nominee for Best Adapted Screenplay
2003 Dreaming of Julia Ricky Released as Cuban Blood in the US
Dot the I Kit Winter Deauville winner for Audience Award
2002 I'm with Lucy Gabriel
Fidel (film) Ernesto "Che" Guevara
El Crimen del Padre Amaro Padre Amaro Oscar nomination for Best Foreign Film
2001 Sin Noticias de Dios Davenport
Vidas privadas Gustavo 'Gana' Bertolini
Y tu mamá también Julio Zapata Oscar nomination for Best Original Screenplay
2000 Amores perros Octavio Oscar nomination for Best Foreign Film

[sunting] References

  1. http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m1285/is_10_34/ai_n6338666
  2. Binoche Juliette (November 2004). Gael Garcia Bernal: he plays everybody's favorite revolutionary onscreen, but he's not just playacting. Interview. Dicapai pada 2007-08-14.
  3. Gael Garcia Bernal. Then It Must Be True: (July 2004). Dicapai pada 2007-08-14.
  4. 4.0 4.1 Calhoun Dave (2006-04-25). Gael García Bernal interview. Time Out London. Dicapai pada 2007-08-14.
  5. Louie Rebecca (2006-05-26). Gael Garcia Bernal breaks barriers and tackles tough issues. New York Daily News. diarkibkan dari yang asal pada 2006-06-14
  6. Miranda Carolina A. (2007-03-02). Q&A with Gael Garcia Bernal.
  7. Templat:Cite visual
  8. http://www2.indiewire.com/people/int_Bernal_Gael_021112.html
  9. G-Guys - Gael Garcia Bernal. Glamour (UK). Dicapai pada 2007-08-14.
  10. Sharp Richard (2003). New Latin Revolution (Interviews - Gael Garcia Bernal). Chicago Film. Dicapai pada 2007-08-14.
  11. Hornik Susan (October-November 2004). Gael: taking the reins of his career. Latino Leaders: The National Magazine of the Successful American Latino. Dicapai pada 2007-08-14.

[sunting] External links

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