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Negeri-Negeri Gabungan Amerika - Wikipedia Bahasa Melayu, ensiklopedia bebas

Negeri-Negeri Gabungan Amerika

Dari Wikipedia Bahasa Melayu, ensiklopedia bebas.

Confederate States of America
Negeri-Negeri Gabungan Amerika
1861 – 1865
Flag Coat of arms
Bendera ke-3 Confederate Seal
Cogan kata
Deo Vindice
(Latin: Under God, Our Vindicator)
God Save the South (rasmi) The Bonnie Blue Flag (popular)
Lokasi Negeri-Negeri Gabungan Amerika
Ibu negara Montgomery, Alabama
(until May 29 1861)

Richmond, Virginia
(May 29 1861April 2 1865)

Danville, Virginia
(from April 3 1865)
Bahasa Bahasa Inggeris (de facto)
Agama Kebanyakannya Protestan & Katolik
Kerajaan Republik
Presiden Jefferson Davis (D)
Naib Presiden Alexander Stephens (D)
 - Penubuhan Gabungan 4 Februari, 1861
 - Permulaan Perang Saudara 12 April 1861
 - Penyerahan 11 April, 1865
 - 18601 1,995,392 km² (770,425 sq mi)
 - 18601 est. 9,103,332 
     Density 4.6 /km²  (11.8 /sq mi)
 - slaves2 est. 3,521,110 
Mata wang Dolar CSA
(hanya wang kertas dikeluarkan)
1Area and population values do not include Missouri & Kentucky nor the Territory of Arizona.
Water area:5.7%
2Slaves included in above population count. 1860 Census

Negeri-Negeri Gabungan Amerika (juga dipanggil Gabungan, the Negeri-Negeri Gabungan, dan CSA) merupakan kerajaan yang ditubuhkan oleh sebelas negeri-negeri selatan di Amerika Syarikat dari 1861 hingga 1865. Tujuh buah negeri mengisytiharkan kemerdekaan dari Amerika Syarikat sebelum Abraham Lincoln menjadi presiden; empat lagi berbuat demikian selepas Perang Saudara Amerika bermula dengan Pertempuran Fort Sumter apabila CSA menyerang USA. Pihak Amerika Syarikat (Kesatuan) mengharamkan perpecahan itu dan enggan mengiktirafkan kemerdekaan Gabungan. Walaupun tiada kuasa Eropah yang mengiktirafkan CSA secara rasmi, namun Britain dari segi keminatan komersil menjual kapal peperangan kepada CSA ini dan mengoperasi kapal pembekal kawasan disekat (en:Blockade runner) untuk membantu membekal CSA.

Apabila Robert E. Lee serta panglima-panglima lain mengaku kalah pada musim bunga 1865, CSA runtuh, menamatkan peperangan itu tanpa pertempuran gerila. Proses Pembinaan semula yang susah dan lama memberi hak sivil secara sementara dan hak mengundi freedmen, mengusirkan bekas pemimpin-pemimpin Gabungan daripada pejabat, dan menerima semula bekas negeri-negeri Gabungan ke dalam Kongres Amerika Syarikat selama-lamanya.

Senarai kandungan

[sunting] Sejarah

[sunting] Punca-punca pemisahan

Ahli sejarah mengatakan punca pemisahan adalah kerana ancaman untuk menghad atau menamatkan perhambaan oleh pihak Republican atau penghadan ke atas hak negeri berhubung pemilikan hamba di dalam jajahan-jajahan menyebabkan negeri-negeri selatan keluar dari Gabungan.

[sunting] Negeri-negeri pemisah

Peta kronologi yang beranimasi untuk Negeri-Negeri Gabungan Amerika
Peta kronologi yang beranimasi untuk Negeri-Negeri Gabungan Amerika

Templat:Confederate Tujuh negeri yang berpisah pada Februari 1861:

Setleah Lincoln mengerah tentera, empat lagi negeri berpisah:

Dua buah negeri lain menubuhkan kerajaan saingan (atau punggung). Gabungan mengakui negeri-negeri tersebut tetapi tidak mengawal negeri-negeri ini dan kerajaan negeri penyokong Gabungan ini dibuang negeri:

Kedua-dua negeri membenarkan perhambaan dan mukimnya bercampur-aduk pihaknya dalam perang, termasuk penyimpan hamba berpihak kepada Kesatuan. Kesahan hal ini masih diragui sehingga hari ini.

[sunting] Kebangkitan dan keruntuhan Gabungan

[sunting] Kerajaan dan politik

[sunting] Perlembagaan

Jefferson DavisPresiden 1861-1865
Jefferson Davis
Presiden 1861-1865

[sunting] Kebebasan rakyat

[sunting] Ibu kota

Ibu negara untuk Negeri-Negeri Gabungan Amerika ialah Montgomery, Alabama, dari 4 February, 1861, hingga 29 Mei, 1861. Richmond, Virginia, dijadikan ibu negara yang baru pada 6 Mei, 1861. Shortly before the end of the war, the Confederate government evacuated Richmond, planning to relocate further south. Little came of these plans before Lee's surrender at Appomattox Court House. Danville, Virginia, served as the last capital of the Confederate States of America, from April 3 to April 10, 1865.

[sunting] Diplomasi Antarabangsa

Sebaik sahaja perang dengan Amerika Syarikat bermula, harapan terbaik untuk meneruskan kewujudan Negeri-negeri Gabungan dengan campur tangan tentera oleh Britain dan Perancis. Amerika Syarikat sedar tentang hal ini dan dengan jelas menyatakan bahawa mengiktiraf Negeri-negeri Gabungan bermaksud berperang dengan Amerika Syarikat - dan terhentinya penghantaran makanan ke Britain. Ahli Negeri-negeri Gabungan yang mempercayai bahawa "kapas adalah raja" - iaitu Britain perlu menyokong Negeri-negeri Gabungan untuk mendapatkan kapas - telah terbukti salah. Britain, pada hakikatnya mempunyai simpanan kapas yang mencukupi pada tahun 1861 dan bergantung lebih kepada biji-bijian dari negeri-negeri Kesatuan.

[sunting] "Died of states rights"

[sunting] Perhubungan dengan Amerika Syarikat

[sunting] Bendera-bendera Gabungan

Rencana utama: Bendera-bendera Negeri-Negeri Gabungan Amerika

[sunting] Political leaders

[sunting] Executive

The original Confederate Cabinet. L-R: Judah P. Benjamin, Stephen Mallory, Christopher Memminger, Alexander Stephens, LeRoy Pope Walker, Jefferson Davis, John H. Reagan and Robert Toombs.
Jawatan Nama Masa menjawat
Presiden Jefferson Davis 1861-1865
Naib Presiden Alexander Stephens 1861-1865
Setiausaha Robert Toombs 1861
  Robert M.T. Hunter 1861-1862
  Judah P. Benjamin 1862-1865
Bendahara Christopher Memminger 1861-1864
  George Trenholm 1864-1865
  John H. Reagan 1865
Setiausaha Peperangan Leroy Pope Walker 1861
  Judah P. Benjamin 1861-1862
  George W. Randolph 1862
  James Seddon 1862-1865
  John C. Breckinridge 1865
Setiausaha Tentera Laut Stephen Mallory 1861-1865
Postmaster General John H. Reagan 1861-1865
Attorney General Judah P. Benjamin 1861
  Thomas Bragg 1861-1862
  Thomas H. Watts 1862-1863
  George Davis 1864-1865

[sunting] Legislative

Rencana utama: Confederate Congress

Speakers of the Provisional Congress

  • Robert Woodward Barnwell of South Carolina - February 4 1861
  • Howell Cobb, Sr. of Georgia - February 4 1861-February 17 1862
  • Thomas Stanhope Bocock of Virginia - February 18, 1862-March 18, 1865

Presidents pro tempore

  • Howell Cobb, Sr. of Georgia
  • Robert Woodward Barnwell of South Carolina
  • Josiah Abigail Patterson Campbell of Mississippi
  • Thomas Stanhope Bocock of Virginia

Tribal Representatives to Confederate Congress

  • Elias Cornelius Boudinot 1862-65 - Cherokee
  • Burton Allen Holder 1864-1865 Chickasaw
  • Robert McDonald Jones 1863-65 - Choctaw

[sunting] Sessions of the Confederate Congress

  • Provisional Confederate Congress
  • First Confederate Congress
  • Second Confederate Congress

[sunting] Judicial

Supreme court - not established

District Court

  • Asa Biggs 1861-1865
  • John White Brockenbrough 1861
  • Alexander Mosby Clayton 1861
  • Jesse J. Finley 1861-1862

[sunting] Geografi

Peta negeri-negeri dan wilayah-wilayah yang dituntut oleh Negeri-negeri Gabungan Amerika
Peta negeri-negeri dan wilayah-wilayah yang dituntut oleh Negeri-negeri Gabungan Amerika

[sunting] Iklim

[sunting] River system

[sunting] Rural areas

# Bandar Bilangan penduduk pada tahun 1860 U.S. rank Dipulangkan kepada kawalan Amerika Syarikat
1. New Orleans, Louisiana 168,675 6 1862
2. Charleston, South Carolina 40,522 22 1865
3. Richmond, Virginia 37,910 25 1865
4. Mobile, Alabama 29,258 27 1865
5. Memphis, Tennessee 22,623 38 1862
6. Savannah, Georgia 22,292 41 1864
7. Petersburg, Virginia 18,266 50 1865
8. Nashville, Tennessee 16,988 54 1862
9. Norfolk, Virginia 14,620 61 1862
10. Augusta, Georgia 12,493 77 1865
11. Columbus, Georgia 9,621 97 1865
12. Atlanta, Georgia 9,554 99 1864
13. Wilmington, North Carolina 9,553 100 1865

(Lihat juga Atlanta dalam Perang Saudara, Charleston, SC dalam Perang Saudara, Nashville dalam Perang Saudara, New Orleans dalam Perang Saudara, dan Richmond dalam Perang Saudara).

[sunting] Economy

Rencana utama: Economy of the Confederate States of America

The Confederacy had an agrarian economy with exports, to a world market, of cotton, and, to a lesser extent, tobacco and sugarcane. Local food production included grains, hogs, cattle, and gardens. The 11 states produced $155 million in manufactured goods in 1860, chiefly from local grist mills, and lumber, processed tobacco, cotton goods and naval stores such as turpentine. The CSA adopted a low tariff of 15 per cent, but imposed it on all imports from the rest of the United States. [1] The tariff mattered little; the Confederacy's ports were blocked to commercial traffic by the Union's blockade, and very few people paid taxes on goods smuggled from the Union states. The government collected about $3.5 million in tariff revenue from the start of their war against the Union to late 1864. The lack of adequate financial resources led the Confederacy to finance the war through printing money, which led to high inflation.

[sunting] Armed forces

Bendera tentera laut Gabungan
Bendera tentera laut Gabungan

The military armed forces of the Confederacy was comprised of three branches:

  • Tentera Negeri-negeri Gabungan Amerika
  • Tentera Laut Negeri-negeri Gabungan Amerika
  • Marinir Negeri-negeri Gabungan Amerika

The Confederate military leadership included many veterans from the United States Army and United States Navy who had resigned their Federal commissions and had been appointed to senior positions in the Confederate armed forces. Many had served in the Mexican-American War (including Robert E. Lee and Jefferson Davis), but others had little or no military experience (such as Leonidas Polk, who had attended West Point but did not graduate.) The Confederate officer corps was composed in part of young men from slave-owning families, but many came from non-owners. The Confederacy appointed junior and field grade officers by election from the enlisted ranks. Although no Army service academy was established for the Confederacy, many colleges of the South (such as the The Citadel and Virginia Military Institute) maintained cadet corps that were seen as a training ground for Confederate military leadership. A naval academy was established in 1863, but no midshipmen had graduated by the time the Confederacy collapsed.

The rank and file of the Confederate armed forces consisted of white males with an average age between 16 and 28. Many thousands of slaves served as laborers, cooks, pioneers and in other non-combat roles. The Confederacy adopted conscription in 1862. Depleted by casualties, the military suffered chronic manpower shortages. After agitation from the Army, and at the demand of General Lee, slaves were enrolled in new combat units in the spring of 1865, with the promise of emancipation; they were in training when the war ended and did not serve in actual combat. [18]

[sunting] Military leaders

Military leaders of the Confederacy (with their state of birth and highest rank[19]) included:

General Robert E. Lee, for many, the face of the Confederate army
General Robert E. Lee, for many, the face of the Confederate army
  • Robert E. Lee (Virginia) - General and General-in-Chief (1865)
  • Albert Sidney Johnston (Kentucky) - General
  • Joseph E. Johnston (Virginia) - General
  • Braxton Bragg (North Carolina) - General
  • P.G.T. Beauregard (Louisiana) - General
  • Richard Stoddert Ewell (Virginia) - Lieutenant General
  • Samuel Cooper (New York) - General (Adjutant General and highest ranking general in the Army); not in combat
  • James Longstreet (South Carolina) - Lieutenant General
  • Thomas J. "Stonewall" Jackson (Virginia)- Lieutenant General
  • John Hunt Morgan (Kentucky) - Brigadier General
  • A.P. Hill (Virginia) - Lieutenant General
  • John Bell Hood (Texas) - Lieutenant General
  • Wade Hampton III (South Carolina) - Lieutenant General
  • Nathan Bedford Forrest (Tennessee) - Lieutenant General
  • John Singleton Mosby, the "Grey Ghost of the Confederacy" (Virginia) - Colonel
  • J.E.B. Stuart (Virginia) - Major General
  • Edward Porter Alexander (Georgia) - Brigadier General
  • Franklin Buchanan (Maryland) - Admiral
  • Raphael Semmes (Maryland) - Rear Admiral
  • Josiah Tattnall (Georgia) - Commodore
  • Stand Watie (Indian Territory, now Oklahoma) - Brigadier General (last to surrender)
  • Leonidas Polk (North Carolina) - Lieutenant General
  • Sterling Price (Virginia) - Major General
  • Jubal Anderson Early (Virginia) - Lieutenant General
  • Richard Taylor (Kentucky) - Lieutenant General (Son of U.S. President Zachary Taylor)
  • Lloyd J. Beall (South Carolina) - Colonel - Commandant of the Confederate States Marine Corps
  • Stephen Dodson Ramseur (North Carolina) Major General
  • Camille Armand Jules Marie, Prince de Polignac (France) Major General
  • John Austin Wharton (Tennessee) Major General
  • Thomas L. Rosser (Virginia) Major General

[sunting] Significant dates

State Flag Secession ordinance Admitted C.S.A. Under predominant
Union control
Readmitted to the Union
South Carolina Templat:Country data USA-SC December 20, 1860 February 8, 1861 1865 July 9, 1868
Mississippi Templat:Country data USA-MS January 9, 1861 February 8, 1861 1863 February 23, 1870
Florida Templat:Country data USA-FL January 10, 1861 February 8, 1861 1865 June 25, 1868
Alabama Templat:Country data USA-AL January 11, 1861 February 8, 1861 1865 July 13, 1868
Georgia Templat:Country data USA-GA January 19, 1861 February 8, 1861 1865 1st Date July 21, 1868;
2nd Date July 15, 1870
Louisiana Templat:Country data USA-LA January 26, 1861 February 8, 1861 1862 July 9, 1868
Texas Templat:Country data USA-TX February 1, 1861 March 2, 1861 1865 March 30, 1870
Virginia Templat:Country data USA-VA April 17, 1861 May 7, 1861 1865;
(1861 for West Virginia)
January 26, 1870
Arkansas Templat:Country data USA-AR May 6, 1861 May 18, 1861 1864 June 22, 1868
North Carolina Templat:Country data USA-NC May 20, 1861 May 21, 1861 1865 July 4, 1868
Tennessee Templat:Country data USA-TN June 8, 1861 July 2, 1861 1862 July 24, 1866
Missouri Templat:Country data USA-MO October 31, 1861 November 28, 1861 1861 Unelected Pro-Union Government from 1861
Kentucky (Russellville Convention) Templat:Country data USA-KY November 20, 1861 December 10, 1861 1861 Pro-Union & C.S.A. Government from 1861
Arizona Territory (Mesilla government) Templat:Country data USA-AZ March 16, 1861 February 14, 1862 1862 Not a state until 1912

[sunting] See also

  • Burr conspiracy
  • Triangular Trade
  • Golden Circle (Slavery)
  • Origins of the American Civil War
  • Southern United States
  • History of the Southern United States
  • Flags of the Confederate States of America
  • Seal of the Confederate States of America
  • Confederate States of America dollar
  • Military history of the Confederate States
  • Stamps and postal history of the Confederate States
  • Confederados
  • C.S.A.: The Confederate States of America, a 2004 mockumentary. Fictional account of an alternate history in which the Confederates won the American Civil War.

[sunting] Notes

  1. Teks Ordinan Pemisahan Karolina Selatan.
  2. Teks Ordinan Pemisahan Mississippi.
  3. Teks Ordinan Pemisahan Florida.
  4. Teks Ordinan Pemisahan Alabama.
  5. Teks Ordinan Pemisahan Georgia.
  6. Teks Ordinan Pemisahan Louisiana.
  7. Teks Ordinan Pemisahan Texas.
  8. Teks Ordinan Pemisahan Virginia.
  9. Virginia tidak menyerahkan tenteranya kepada Gabungan sehingga 8 Jun, 1861 dan Perlembagaan Negeri-negeri Gabungan diratifikasi pada 19 Jun 1861.
  10. Teks Ordinan Pemisahan Arkansas.
  11. Teks Ordinan Pemisahan Carolina Utara.
  12. Teks Ordinan Pemisahan Tennessee.
  13. Perundangan Tennessee meratifikasi persetujuan untuk menyertai liga ketenteraan dengan Gabungan pada 7 Mei 1861. Pengundi Tennessee merestui persetujuan ini pada 8 Jun, 1861.
  14. Teks Ordinan Pemisahan Missouri.
  15. Ahli politik penyokong Gabungan cuba bersidang di Neosho, Missouri, lalu dibuang negeri.
  16. Teks Ordinan Pemisahan Kentucky.
  17. Konvensyen Russellville
  18. Ervin L. Jordan, Jr. Black Confederates and Afro-Yankees in Civil War Virginia (1995)
  19. Eicher, Civil War High Commands

[sunting] References

  • Eicher, John H., & Eicher, David J., Civil War High Commands, Stanford University Press, 2001, ISBN 0-8047-3641-3.
  • Wilentz, Sean, The Rise of American Democracy, W.W. Norton & Co., ISBN 0-393-32921-6.

[sunting] Bibliography

  • Current, Richard N., ed. Encyclopedia of the Confederacy (4 vol), 1993. 1900 pages, articles by scholars.
  • Faust, Patricia L. ed, Historical Times Illustrated Encyclopedia of the Civil War, 1986.
  • Heidler, David S., et al. Encyclopedia of the American Civil War : A Political, Social, and Military History, 2002. 2400 pages (ISBN 0-393-04758-X)
  • Steven E. Woodworth, ed. The American Civil War: A Handbook of Literature and Research, 1996. 750 pages of historiography and bibliography

[sunting] Economic & Social History

see Economy of the Confederate States of America

  • Black, Robert C., III. The Railroads of the Confederacy, 1988.
  • Clinton, Catherine, and Silber, Nina, eds. Divided Houses: Gender and the Civil War, 1992.
  • Dabney, Virginius. Richmond: The Story of a City. Charlottesville: The University of Virginia Press, 1990. ISBN 0-8139-1274-1.
  • Faust, Drew Gilpin. Mothers of Invention: Women of the Slaveholding South in the American Civil War, 1996.
  • Faust, Drew Gilpin. The Creation of Confederate Nationalism: Ideology and Identity in the Civil War South, 1988.
  • Grimsley, Mark. The Hard Hand of War: Union Military Policy toward Southern Civilians, 1861-1865, 1995.
  • Lentz, Perry Carlton. Our Missing Epic: A Study in the Novels about the American Civil War, 1970.
  • Massey, Mary Elizabeth. Bonnet Brigades: American Women and the Civil War, 1966.
  • Massey, Mary Elizabeth. Refugee Life in the Confederacy, 1964.
  • Rable, George C. Civil Wars: Women and the Crisis of Southern Nationalism, 1989.
  • Ramsdell, Charles. Behind the Lines in the Southern Confederacy, 1994.
  • Roark, James L. Masters without Slaves: Southern Planters in the Civil War and Reconstruction, 1977.
  • Rubin, Anne Sarah. A Shattered Nation: The Rise and Fall of the Confederacy, 1861-1868, 2005. A cultural study of Confederates' self images.
  • Thomas, Emory M. The Confederacy as a Revolutionary Experience, 1992.
  • Wiley, Bell Irwin. Confederate Women, 1975.
  • Wiley, Bell Irwin. The Plain People of the Confederacy, 1944.
  • Woodward, C. Vann, ed. Mary Chesnut's Civil War, 1981.

[sunting] Politics

  • Alexander, Thomas B., and Beringer, Richard E. The Anatomy of the Confederate Congress: A Study of the Influences of Member Characteristics on Legislative Voting Behavior, 1861-1865, 1972.
  • Boritt, Gabor S., et al, Why the Confederacy Lost, 1992.
  • Cooper, William J, Jefferson Davis, American, 2000. Standard biography.
  • Coulter, E. Merton. The Confederate States of America, 1861-1865, 1950.
  • William C. Davis (2003). tajuk: Look Away! A History of the Confederate States of America, New York: penerbit: Free Press. ISBN 0-684-86585-8.
  • Eaton, Clement. A History of the Southern Confederacy, 1954.
  • Eckenrode, H. J., Jefferson Davis: President of the South, 1923.
  • Gallgher, Gary W., The Confederate War, 1999.
  • Neely, Mark E., Jr., Confederate Bastille: Jefferson Davis and Civil Liberties, 1993.
  • Rembert, W. Patrick. Jefferson Davis and His Cabinet, 1944.
  • Rable, George C., The Confederate Republic: A Revolution against Politics, 1994.
  • Roland, Charles P. The Confederacy, 1960. brief
  • Thomas, Emory M. Confederate Nation: 1861-1865, 1979. Standard political-economic-social history
  • Wakelyn, Jon L. Biographical Dictionary of the Confederacy Greenwood Press ISBN 0-8371-6124-X
  • Williams, William M. Justice in Grey: A History of the Judicial System of the Confederate States of America, 1941.
  • Yearns, Wilfred Buck. The Confederate Congress, 1960.

[sunting] Primary sources

  • Carter, Susan B., ed. The Historical Statistics of the United States: Millennial Edition (5 vols), 2006.
  • Davis, Jefferson, The Rise and Fall of the Confederate Government (2 vols), 1881.
  • Harwell, Richard B., The Confederate Reader (1957)
  • Jones, John B. A Rebel War Clerk's Diary at the Confederate States Capital, edited by Howard Swiggert, [1935] 1993. 2 vols.
  • Richardson, James D., ed. A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Confederacy, Including the Diplomatic Correspondence 1861-1865, 2 volumes, 1906.
  • Yearns, W. Buck and Barret, John G.,eds. North Carolina Civil War Documentary, 1980.
  • Confederate official government documents major online collection of complete texts in HTML format, from U. of North Carolina
  • Journal of the Congress of the Confederate States of America, 1861-1865 (7 vols), 1904. Available online at the Library of Congress [2]

[sunting] Pautan luar

Templat:Confederate2 Templat:CSCabinet Templat:CSSenators

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