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कम्प्युटर विज्ञान - Wikipedia

कम्प्युटर विज्ञान

नेपाली विकिपीडियाबाट

कम्प्युटर विज्ञान गणित, विज्ञान र समस्या समाधान गर्ने खुबीको प्रयोग गरेर कम्प्युटर को निर्माण र प्रयोग संबन्धि अध्ययन हो। यसले गर्दा विश्व हाम्रो सामु सानो भएको छ।

Computer science split from other sciences near the end of the 20th century, र made its own ways of doing things र its own set of word meanings. It has roots in electrical engineering, math र language science. You can think of it as a mix of science, engineering र art.

Computer science studies the theoretical (ideal, not real) parts of computers, computer engineering looks at the real parts of computers (those that you could touch), र software engineering looks at how useful computer programs can be र how to make programs.

Computer science is no more about computers than astronomy is about telescopes
- Edsger Dijkstra


[परिवर्तन्] कम्प्युटर विज्ञानका अंगहरु

[परिवर्तन्] भित्री गणित

  • बूलियन अल्जेब्रा (जहाँ केहि कुरा सही वा गलत मात्र हुन सक्छ)
  • Computer numbering formats (कम्प्युटरले कसरी गणना गर्दछ)
  • Discrete mathematics (math with numbers that can be counted)
  • सांकेतिक लजिक् (exact ways of talking र thinking about math)

[परिवर्तन्] एउटा आदर्श कम्प्युटर कसरी काम गर्दछ

  • Algorithmic information theory (how easy or hard is a problem for a computer to solve?)
  • Complexity theory (how much time र memory does a computer need to solve a problem?)
  • Computability theory (Can a computer do something?)
  • Information theory (math that studies data र how to pass data)
  • Theory of computation (study how to solve a problems on a computer, using algorithms)
  • Graph theory (math for finding paths from one point to another)
  • Type theory (what kinds of data should computers work with?)
  • Denotational semantics (math for studying computer languages)
  • Algorithms (study how to solve a problem)
  • Compilers (turning words into computer programs)
  • Lexical Analysis (how to turn words into data)
  • Microprogramming (how to control the most important part of a computer)
  • Operating systems (Basic computer programs to control various kinds of other programs in computer systems)
  • Cryptography (Making data safer)

[परिवर्तन्] कम्प्युटर विज्ञान कार्यक्षेत्र

  • Artificial intelligence (Making computers think like humans do)
  • Computer algebra
  • Computer architecture
  • Computer graphics (Making images with computers, as in CG)
  • Computer networks (Connecting computers to each other)
  • Computer program
  • Computer programming (Writing, or making, programs for computers)
  • Computer security (Protecting computers र information in them)
  • Databases (A method of storing र getting information)
  • Data structure (How to organize information)
  • Distributed computing (Solving problems using many computers in a large area)
  • Information retrieval (Getting information back)
  • सञ्चालन प्रणालीs (What makes your computer run. E.G लिनक्स, Microsoft Windows, Macintosh)
  • Programming languages (Languages that a Programmer uses to write computer programs)
  • Program specification (How a programmer writes a computer program)
  • Program verification (Testing programs, see also Debugging)
  • Robots
  • Software engineering (Making computer programs)

[परिवर्तन्] Ways it is done

  • Benchmark (Testing computer abilities)
  • Computer vision (How computers "see" things)
  • Collision Detection (How computers (controlling robots) don't crash into stuff)
  • Data compression (Make data smaller)
  • Data structures (How information is grouped or sorted)
  • Data acquisition (Getting data from somewhere)
  • Design patterns
  • Digital signal processing (Filtering र 'looking' at data)
  • File formats (How data is stored र grouped within a file)
  • Human-computer interaction (How we use computers)
  • Information security (Keeping data away from people we don't want to have it)
  • Internet (a large network that connects almost every computer)
  • Online computations and algorithms
  • Optimization (Making computer programs work faster)
  • Software metrics
  • VLSI design (The making of a very large र complex computer system)

[परिवर्तन्] See also

  • computing
  • computer scientist
  • Turing Award
  • IEEE John von Neumann Medal
  • Computer jargon
  • Computer slang
  • Computer science basic topics
  • Encyclopedia of Computer Terms
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