Wikipedia talk:Kōrero
Nō Wikipedia Māori
Rārangi kōrero |
[edit] Meetup no. 2?
It’s been suggested that New Zealand have a Meetup No. 2 to “follow up to from the last meetup (and a reminder) how are people for another one? I would guess Wellington would be a natural choice of venue or perhaps elsewhere (Chc?) if enough are interested. Alternatively Auckland could have another one. I'm not sure Dec/Jan is a great time but perhaps it doesn't make a big difference. Thoughts? / Availability / Interest / Timing / Location ?” Check out the New Zealand Wikipedians' notice board if anyone has any comments / ideas. [1] Heoi anō; nā Brian (talk) 09:13, 6 Hakihea 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Auckland Meetup 2 Scheduled - Feb 10 2007. See: en:Wikipedia:Meetup/Auckland 2
You are all invited to Auckland Meetup 2 on the afternoon of Saturday February 10th 2007 at Galbraith's Ale House in Mt Eden. Please see en:Wikipedia:Meetup/Auckland 2 for details. You can also bookmark en:Wikipedia:Meetup/Auckland to be informed of future NZ meetups.
Nā Roddy Young o te Wikipedia Pākehā i whakatū te whakaaro kia tuhia he tuhipānui mō nā te mea he tuhipānui tonu kei te W.P. Tirohia hoki He whakaaro tumeke pea. Kahuroa 18:12, 24 Kohi-tātea 2007 (UTC)
[edit] he mihi miharo
kei te tuku mihi atu ki nga kai tuhi o tenei paetukutuku Maori. Kei te whai ahau i taku tohu whakaako, kua rima tau ahau e whai ana i tenei tohu. engari maku e kii, kua pakari aku pukenga wetewete korero, whakaaro arohae, tuhi korero hoki. ehara i te mea kei te tino tohunga ki era mahi, engari kei te rata te ngakau ki tera mahi tera pea ka whai wa ahau ki te whakatakoto i etehi kupu, hei awhina i te kaupapa, hei whakapakari tonu i aku pukenga hoki. ET.
- Kia ora rā e hoa mō ēnei kupu tautoko. Hoki tonu mai anō koe. Kahuroa 18:52, 22 Hui-tanguru 2007 (UTC)