User talk:Zanimum
Nō Wikipedia Māori
[edit] Welcome
Welcome to registered member number 57. No fluent speakers of te reo Maori active here yet, so I fear that your request on the chat page will be unsuccessful. We have Spaniards and a Munich resident, and possibly a Taiwanese, among our active contributors, so I'm sure a "zany mum" can help out with interwikis and such, if not more.
Kind regards. Robin Patterson 00:42, 7 May 2005 (UTC)
[edit] Tūmanako
Nō te mea kua tae ngā tuhipānui ki te 600, ko te tūmanako kia tae mai ngā tāngata matatau ki te reo Māori o Aotearoa nei, mā tātou e whakapai te mātāpunenga nei i runga i ngā tikanga whakapai, kia tupu ake hei rākau whakaruruhau, hei Tōtara, hei Kauri rānei i te wao-nui-a-Tāne. Tēnā, whakaputaina ō whakaaro ki Wikipedia:Kōrero. Nō reira, tēnā tātou katoa Kahuroa 04:48, 13 Poutū-te-rangi 2007 (UTC)