Од Википедија, слободна енциклопедија
Оваа датотека е заедничка и може да се користи од други проекти.
[edit] Summary
A sketch by Alfred Roller, giving an overview of women's fashions during the period 1794-1887.
- First row: 1794, 1796, 1800, 1805
- Second row: 1813, 1820, 1830, 1840
- Third row: 1850, 1860, 1864, 1868
- Fourth row: 1872, 1877, 1881, 1887
Note that only the 1800, 1805, 1813, 1820, 1830, and 1868 dresses are ankle-length (or a little above), while the others are floor-length.
Hochschule für angewandte Kunst, Vienna
Creator/Artist |
Name |
Roller, Alfred |
Date of birth/death |
1864-10-02 |
1935-06-21 |
Location of birth/death |
Česky: Brno
Deutsch: Brünn
Wien |
[edit] Licensing
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