Wikipedia:Kegunaan adil
Dari Wikipedia bahasa Melayu
Rencana ini merupakan sebahagian daripada siri hak cipta Wikipedia. |
Di bawah hak cipta Amerika Syarikat, hampir kesemua karya yang diterbitkan selepas tahun 1922 mungkin mempunyai hak cipta (bagaimanapun, terdapatnya kekecualian — untuk maklumat lanjut, sila lihat: Hak cipta Amerika Syarikat). Secara amnya, penggunaan karya-karya yang mempunyai hak cipta tanpa kebenaran daripada pemilik hak cipta merupakan pelanggaran hak cipta, dan adalah salah di sisi undang-undang. Oleh sebab itu, di Wikipedia yang diasaskan di Amerika Syarikat, mereka cuma boleh menggunakan bahan-bahan yang tidak mempunyai hak cipta ataupun yang mempunyai lesen yang cukup bebas.
Bagaimanapun, oleh sebab kebanyakan pengguna dan penyumbang Wikipedia Melayu adalah bermastautin dan berwarganegara Malaysia, undang-undang berkenaan pelanggaran hak cipta di Malaysia digunakan di Wikipedia ini. Undang-undang utama yang melindungi hak cipta di Malaysia adalah Akta Hakcipta 1987. Di bawah Akta ini, perlindungan automatik diberikan kepada karya sastera, muzik, seni, filem, rakaman bunyi, siaran dan terbitan dengan syarat pemenuhan tiga syarat, iaitu usaha yang cukup untuk menjadikannya karya asli, karya tersebut tertulis atau direkod, dan penciptanya merupakan orang yang berkelayakan atau karyanya telah dibuat di Malaysia atau karyanya mula-mula diterbitkan di Malaysia.
Meskipun begini, satu kekecualian utama telah diiktirafkan oleh sebuah fasal dalam Akta ini dibawah peruntukan Seksyen 9(4) dan Seksyen 13(2). Ia mengatakan bahawa terdapatnya hak terhad untuk kegunaan bahan-bahan hak cipta tanpa kebenaran pemilik — apa yang dikenali sebagai kegunaan adil (ataupun "perlakuan adil" ("fair dealing") di negara-negara lain yang mana peraturan-peraturannya mungkin berbeza-beza). Halaman ini bertujuan untuk memberi garis panduan untuk mengendalikan bahan-bahan dalam Wikipedia Bahasa Melayu — ia memberikan panduan am mengenai apa yang mungkin dan apa yang tidak mungkin merupukan kegunaan adil, serta bagaimana anda dapat membantu penyunting-penyunting sewaktu mencuba memasukkan bahan-bahan di bawah kegunaan adil. Bagaimanapun, panduan ini tidak merupakan polisi rasmi. Anda, sebagai pemuat naik, adalah bertanggungjawab untuk menentukan bahawa sumbangan anda adalah sah di sisi undang-undang.
Jika anda menggunakan sebahagian karya yang mempunyai hak cipta di bawah "kegunaan adil", anda harus mencatatkan pengakuan, bersama-sama dengan nama-nama dan tarikh-tarikhnya. Adalah matlamat kami untuk dapat menyebarkan semula dengan bebas seberapa bahan-bahan Wikipedia yang dapat. Oleh sebab itu, fail-fail imej dan bunyi asli yang diperlesenkan di bawah GFDL atau yang berada di domain awam adalah lebih disukai berbanding fail-fail media berhak cipta yang di gunakan di bawah kegunaan adil. Sila lihat: Wikipedia: Plat dandang permintaan kebenaran untuk borang permintaan kebenaran daripada pemilik hak cipta untuk menggunakan karya mereka di bawah syarat GFDL. Jangan sekali-kali menggunakan bahan-bahan yang melanggari hak cipta orang lain. Ini boleh menyebabkan kesalahan di sisi undang-undang dan menjejaskan projek ini secara hebat. Jika anda berasa ragu-ragu, tulislah rencana sendiri.
Perhatikan bahawa undang-undang hak cipta adalah berkenaan dengan penyataan kreatif untuk idea-idea, dan tidak kena mengena dengan idea-idea itu ataupun maklumat-maklumatnya. Oleh sebab itu, adalah sah jika anda membaca sebuah rencana ensiklopedia atau karya yang lain, menulisnya semula dalam perkataaan sendiri, dan menyerahkan rencana anda kepada Wikipedia. (Sila lihat: penjiplakan dan kegunaan adil untuk perbincangan mengenai berapa banyaknya penulisan semula diperlukan dalam konteks am.)
Jadual isi kandungan |
[Sunting] Kegunaan-kegunaan yang boleh diterima
This section lists several categories of usage of copyrighted, unlicenced material that are generally approved as likely being fair use on the English-language Wikipedia when done in good faith and when their use is in accordance with the Policy and Law sections below. Material that does not fall under one of the designated categories listed below may or may not be fair use depending on what the material is and how it is used. If you want help in assessing whether a use is fair use, please ask at Wikipedia:Requested copyright examinations. Wikipedia talk:Copyrights, Wikipedia talk:Copyright problems, and Wikipedia talk:Fair use may also be useful. These are places where those who understand copyright law are likely to be watching.
[Sunting] Secara am
In general four factors must be considered:
- the purpose and character of the use, including whether such use is of a commercial nature or is for nonprofit educational purposes;
- the nature of the copyrighted work;
- the amount and substantiality of the portion used in relation to the copyrighted work as a whole; and
- the effect of the use upon the potential market for or value of the copyrighted work.
- (Copyright Act of 1976, Templat:UnitedStatesCode, [1])
Briefly, these indicate that 1. The use must not attempt to "supersede the objects" of the original but rather be educational or critical. 2. The less of the original that is used in relation to the whole the more likely that use is fair, though the importance of the specific portion is also considered (as the quoting the most important part may attempt to "supersede" the original). 3. The use must not infringe on the copyright owner's ability to exploit his original work for instance by acting as a direct market substitute for the original work though not through criticism or parody.
[Sunting] Teks
Brief, attributed quotations of copyrighted text used to illustrate a point, establish context, or attribute a point of view or idea may be used under fair use. Text must be used verbatim: any alterations must be clearly marked as an elipsis ([...]) or insertion ([added text]) or change of emphasis (emphasis added). All copyrighted text must be attributed.
In general, extensive quotation of copyrighted news materials (such as newspapers and wire services), movie scripts, or any other copyrighted text is not fair use and is prohibited by Wikipedia policy.
[Sunting] Sedutan audio
Brief song clips may be used for identification of a musical style, group, or iconic piece of music when accompanied by critical or historical commentary and when attributed to the copyright holder.
Spoken word audio clips of historical events, such as speeches by public figures, may be used when accompanied by critical or historical commentary and when attributed to the speaker.
Spoken word audio clips of Wikipedia articles that incorporate copyrighted text pose legal problems (since the resulting audio file cannot be GFDL'ed) and should be avoided.
[Sunting] Imej
There are a few blanket categories of copyrighted images whose use on Wikipedia has been generally approved as likely being fair use when done in good faith. These include:
- Cover art. Cover art from various items, for identification and critical commentary (not for identification without critical commentary).
- Team and corporate logos. For identification. See Wikipedia:Logos.
- Stamps and currency. For identification.
- Other promotional material. Posters, programs, billboards, ads. For critical commentary.
- Film and television screen shots. For critical commentary and discussion of the cinema and television.
- Screen shots from software products. For critical commentary.
- Paintings and other works of visual art. For critical commentary, including images illustrative of a particular technique or school.
- Publicity photos. For identification and critical commentary. See Wikipedia:Publicity photos.
[Sunting] Contoh-contoh sebaliknya
Some people find it easier to understand the concept of fair use from what is not fair use. Here are a few examples of uses that would almost certainly not be acceptable as fair use:
- An article containing one or more unattributed pieces of text from a copyrighted source.
- An image of a rose, cropped from an image of a record album jacket, used to illustrate an article on roses.
- A detailed map, scanned from a copyrighted atlas, used in an article about the region depicted. The only context in which this might be fair use is if the map itself was a topic of a passage in the article: for example, a controversial map of a disputed territory might be fair use.
- A work of art, not so famous as to be iconic, whose theme happens to be the Spanish Civil War, to illustrate an article on the war. (However, because of its iconic status, it is presumably Fair Use where we have a small image of Picasso's Guernica in the article Bombing of Guernica.)
- A photo from a press agency (e.g. Reuters, AP), not so famous as to be iconic, to illustrate an article on the subject of the photo. If photos are themselves newsworthy (e.g. Abu Ghraib photos or Muhammad cartoons), low resolution versions of the photos may be fair use in related articles.
[Sunting] Pengetegan fail imej kegunaan adil
Labeling images as fair use can be done with the fair use copyright tags. If you have found a file that appears to be fair use, you can add a tag corresponding to the type of material to the image description page: Wikipedia:Image copyright tags/Fair use
Please also add the source from which the image has been reproduced. Remember there is no "general rule" about fair use, each fair use must be explained and a rationale must be established for that specific use (in other words every page that uses the image will have a distinct rationale for using the image on that page even though fair use is claimed on the image page).
[Sunting] Pengetegan untuk ulasan
The following is currently a proposed addition to the review process examining the fair use of images. It is not official policy or guideline, but is a suggestion being discussed.
There are several tags that you can use in addition to the fair use tag to help for review purposes.
If you would like an image to be reviewed by another user as to whether or not it is fair use, you can add the tag {{fairusereview}} to it, which will flag it for an informal review by other editors.
If you believe an image that is tagged as fair use is definitely not fair use, you can add {{fair use disputed}} to it, and it will be eventually nominated for deletion at Wikipedia:Possibly unfree images or Wikipedia:Copyright problems.
If you have reviewed a fair use image (whether it is tagged as {{fairusereview}} or not) and are quite confident that the image does qualify as Fair Use on the listed pages, add {{reviewedfairuse|pages=[[names of pages]]|user=~~~|date=~~~~~}} to the page. Do not review an image for fair use in an article if you either uploaded the image or made the decision to include it in the article where it is being used.
The reviewer may choose to accept a reasonably presented rationale in good faith without necessarily agreeing with each point asserted, as long as it does not contain information that the reviewer believes to be incorrect or misleading. If incorrect or misleading information is removed, and the reviewer believes that the remaining information is sufficient to provide a reasonable fair use rationale, then the rationale should be accepted. If the reviewer considers that the rationale is incomplete or does not provide sufficient detail to make a determination, then the reviewer should consider that the criterion has not been met.
Reviewers are urged to consider that some discretion and personal judgement is required in assessing whether certain of these requirements are met, and in these cases may choose to assume good faith, unless there is reason to doubt. Other users may be invited to review or comment if a clear determination can not be made.
If the image is used in more than one article, it is preferable that individual articles are assessed individually with a separate template box used for each article reviewed, as future edits to a particular article may render fair use claims as void.
As the aim of this process is to improve Wikipedia, reviewers should, where possible, attempt to elevate the standard of the Fair Use of the image, by making any edits they consider appropriate, where possible. For example rewording an inadequately written Fair Use rationale, or deleting unnecessary information, is a far more constructive action than simply deeming that a criterion has not been met.
If you see an image tagged as fair use that would appear to be quite easy to replace with a free alternative, add {{fairusereplace}} to the image description page. The image will be added to Category:Fair use image replacement request so that others are aware of the problem and can create a replacement if possible. Large images that should be scaled down to qualify as fair use may be tagged with {{fairusereduce}}.
[Sunting] Undang-undang
Akta Hakcipta 1987 Malaysia meletakkan syarat-syarat berikut berkenaan kegunaan adil;
Seksyen 9(4):
Reproduction of the typographical arrangement of a published edition for the purposes of research, private study, criticism, review or the reporting of current events does not infringe the copyright subsisting by virtue of this section if such reproduction is compatible with fair dealing: Provided that if such reproduction is made public it is accompanied by an acknowledgement of the title of the work and its authorship, except where the work is incidentally included in a broadcast.
Seksyen 13(2):
Nowithstanding anything in subsection (1), the right of control under that subsection does not include the right to control -
(a) the doing of any of the acts referred to in subsection (1) by way of fair dealing for purposes of non-profit research, private study, criticism, review or the reporting of current events, subject to the condition that if such use is public, it is accompanied by an acknowledgement of the title of the work and its authorship, except where the work is in connection with the doing of any of such acts for the purposes of non-profit research, private study and the reporting of current events by means of a sound recording, film or broadcast;
(b) the doing of any of the acts referred to in subsection (1) by way of parody, pastiche or caricature;
(c) the inclusion in a film or broadcast of any artistic work situated in a place where it can be viewed by the public;
(d) the reproduction and distribution of copies of any artistic work permanently situated in a place where it can be viewed by the public;
(e) the incidental inclusion of a work in an artistic work, sound recording, film or broadcast;
(f) the inclusion of a work in a broadcast, performance, showing or playing to the public, collection of literary or musical works, sound recording or film, if such inclusion is made by way of illustration for teaching purposes and is compatible with fair practice:
Provided that mention is made of the source and of the name of the author which appears on the work used;
(ff) any use of a work for the purpose of an examination by way of setting the questions, communicating the questions to the candidates or answering the questions:
Provided that a reprographic copy of a musical work shall not be made for use by an examination candidate in performing the work;
(g) the recording made in schools, universities or educational institutions of a work included in a broadcast intended for such schools, universities or educational institutions;
(gg) the making of a sound recording of a broadcast, or a literary, dramatic or musical work, sound recording or a film included in the broadcast insofar as it consists of sounds if such sound recording of a broadcast is for the private and domestic use of the person by whom the sound recording is made;
(ggg) the making of a film of a broadcast, or a literary, artistic, dramatic or musical work or a film included in the broadcast insofar as it consists of visual images if such making of a film of the broadcast is for the private and domestic use of the person by whom the film is made;
(gggg) the making of copies of television broadcasts which are subtitled or otherwise modified for people who are deaf or hard of hearing, or physically or mentally handicapped in other ways and the issuing of such copies to the public by non-profit making bodies or institutions which the Minister may, by order, prescribe;
(h) the reading or recitation in public or in a broadcast by one person of any reasonable extract from a published literary work if accompanied by sufficient acknowledgement;
(i) any use made of a work by or under the direction or control of the Government, by the National Archives or any State Archives, by the National Library, or any State library, or by such public libraries and educational, scientific or professional institutions as the Minister may by order prescribe, where such use is in the public interest and is compatible with fair practice and the provisions of any regulations, and -
(i) no profit is derived therefrom; and
(ii) no admission fee is charged for the performance, showing or playing, if any, to the public of the work thus used;
Di Wikipedia, bahan yang dihakcipa boleh digunakan dibawah provisi kegunaan adil hanya apabila kami percaya dengan yakin bahawa penggunaannya akan diadili sebagai adil sekiranya kami dibawa ke mahkamah. Di mana mungkin, bahan "bebas" seharusnya digunakan berbanding kegunaan adil untuk mengelakkan kompromi terhadap tujuan mewujudkan ensiklopedia bebas dan pendedahan terhadap undang-undang yang keterlaluan.
[Sunting] Polisi
Wikipedia:Fair use criteria
[Sunting] Kegunaan hiliran
The primary goal on Wikipedia is to create a free content ("free" as in "free speech") encyclopedia which can be used by downstream users. For this reason we do not accept images which are licensed exclusively for Wikipedia, or licensed exclusively for non-commercial usage (which is not "free enough"). The current policy towards fair use is a notable blurry area in regards to this, as there are many conceivable circumstances in which the use of copyrighted materials would be fair use on the English Wikipedia (run by a non-profit organization), which might not be in many other contexts (such as by a for-profit organization). Just because something is fair use on Wikipedia does not mean it is automatically fair use in any other context — content re-users must evaluate their own circumstances on an individual level. Furthermore, Wikipedia fair use standards are currently modeled around United States copyright laws, and though fair use/"fair dealing" laws exist in some other countries, they are often very different than those in the United States.
For reusers, particularly commercial reusers, the most important part of a fair use description is good information on the original source of the image. That is essential to allow them to make their own determination of whether their own use is fair use. They can't rely on our judgment because they have legal liability regardless of what we say. Identifying the original source is good practice in general, as it bolsters our claim that we are not trying to defraud the original copyright holder.
[Sunting] Projek-projek Wikimedia yang lain
The above guidelines are specific to the English language edition of Wikipedia, at Other Wikimedia projects, including Wikipedias in other languages, may have different policies towards fair use.
[Sunting] Lihat juga
- Wikipedia:Copyrights
- Wikipedia:Copyright FAQ
- Wikipedia:Copyright problems
- Wikipedia:WikiProject Fair use
- Fair use and comics