Minn Wikipedija, l-enċiklopedija ħielsa.
Bonġu! Jisimni Philip Newton u jien Ingliż iżda noqgħod fil-Ġermanija.
Ma nistagħx nitkellem il-Malti iżda l-ilsien hu ta' interess ħafna lili!
Erm. That was probably embarrassing enough :) At any rate, I'm English but was born and live in Germany. I find languages in general, and Maltese in particular, very interesting, and I wish I knew more Maltese.
(Corrections to my Maltese above are welcome! Preferably by email or on my talk page on en:, since I show up there more often than here.)
de | Dieser Benutzer spricht Deutsch als Muttersprache. |