NACCHO (Australia)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
NACCHO (National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation) was set up in 1976 and is the peak advocacy and support group for Australia's 135 community-controlled Aboriginal health services. These services provide primary health care initiated and operated by the local Aboriginal community to provide holistic, comprehensive and culturally appropriate health care to the community which contols it. Aboriginal people in Australia suffer a disproportionate burden of illness and social disadvantage compared to non-Indignous Australians. Life expectancy at birth remains about 20 years less than for non-Indignous Australians and health needs are vastly higher for almost every indicator. NACCHO lobbies governments, departments and corporate groups to promote positive policy change relating to the health and well-being of Aboriginal communities. Its role is to improve the effectiveness and cultural validity of national policies, programs and initiatives in Aboriginal health. It also seeks to secure adequate resources and funds for its member health services, so they may fully meet the health needs of their communities. NACCHO's head office is in Canberra and it employs specialist health, administration and media officers around the country to support its 'Vision' -- For Aboriginal people to achieve a state of well-being, consistent with our holistic concept of health. All enquiries can be directed to (Australia 61) 2 6248.0644.
Sources: "National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation; Aboriginal Peoples making the Health System Equitable" (2005)