Nan Grogan Orrock
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Nan Grogan Orrock is a Democratic member of the Georgia House of Representatives, representing the 58th district. She is the Vice-Chair of the House Democratic Caucus and the former Majority Whip. Following the retirement of State Senator Sam Zamarripa, Orrock was a candidate for the State Senate, district 36; in the Democratic primary held on July 18, Orrock defeated Grace Davis to win a seat in the State Senate since she has no Republican opponent for the general election.
[edit] Issues
- Against nuclear power
- Supports spending all Georgia Lottery proceeds on HOPE Scholarship and pre-kindergarten programs; Senate Resolution 655/House Resolution 1045 during the 2006 session failed to garner the two-thirds vote necessary for passage
Nan Grogan Orrock is a lifelong civil rights activist originally from Virginia, where she attended, and was graduated from Mary Washington College. She worked in Mississippi and Atlanta for the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee, in Virginia, with the Virginia Student Civil Rights Committee, and was a close friend and supporter of Mrs. Martin Luther King, during her days in Atlanta, prior to Mrs. King's death.
She is currently the President of Women's Legislative Lobby, a national, non-partisan group of legislators, which works for balanced budgets, increased spending on families, education, health and child care, and a reduction in excessive, and wasteful military and other spending.
[edit] External links
- [ Nan Orrock's senate campaign website,