Image talk:Napster Unique Users.svg
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Charted by myself using Gnuplot 4.0 and data taken from Media Metrix press releases at [].
Here is the gnuplot script:
set terminal svg set output "napster.svg" set timefmt "%m/%d/%y" set xdata time set format x "%b %y" set format y "%1.0s%c" set title "Napster Unique Users Over Time" set style line 1 lw 3 plot 'napster.dat' using 1:4 title 'Global' w lines ls 1, '' u 1:2 title 'US Home' w filledcurves x1, '' u 1:3 title 'US Work' w filledcurves x1
And here is the data file:
# Napster unique users over time. # Source: 2/01/00 1109000 538000 3/01/00 1744000 417000 4/01/00 2897000 763000 5/01/00 3166000 887000 6/01/00 4670000 1179000 7/01/00 4936000 1356000 8/01/00 6729000 1456000 9/01/00 6916000 1573000 10/01/00 7765000 1644000 11/01/00 8488000 12/01/00 9138000 1/01/01 11538000 "" 21123000 2/01/01 13561000 "" 26389000 3/01/01 10787000 "" 21098000 4/01/01 8930000 "" 17666000 5/01/01 8027000 "" 20310000 6/01/01 7834000 "" 18262000 7/01/01 7426000 8/01/01 5530000