National Assessment Bank
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National Assessment Banks (more commonly referred to as NABs) are internal assessments that form part of the Scottish Intermediate courses (Intermediate 1 and Intermediate 2). They are used by the Scottish Qualifications Authority.
An Intermediate course is divided into three units (or in some cases, such as Physics, two whole units and two half units). Each pupil will sit the NAB after completing a particular unit. A pass in the NAB is required for the pupil to continue with the rest of the Intermediate 2 course and to sit the final exam. Each pupil is allowed a resit if they fail their first NAB, but if they fail the resit their individual situation will be considered by their teacher, who will then decide whether they are allowed to continue with the rest of the course.
The standard time for a NAB is 40 minutes, and 20 minutes for a half-unit NAB. However, the time allowed for each NAB often varies depending on the specific subject.
A NAB has no grade awarded to it - it is simply a pass or fail. The percentage required for a pass is around 60%.