Nationalist Coalition
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"The Nationalist Coalition" is a American white activist organization. The basic ideology is fueled by the belief that "America and Europe were indisputably ... reflecting White traditions, White culture, and White values."
This groups was founded by Todd Weingart of St. Petersburg, Florida and by Roger Williams of Denver, Colorado in 2006. Mr. Williams had been the Western States Regional Coordinator for the National Alliance. In April 2005 Mr. Williams had a dispute with the leadership of the National Alliance mainly with the leader Erich Gliebe and the COO Shaun Walker. Mr. Williams was very well liked and respected, so he was able to help his new leader Kevin Alfred Strom to break away from the National Alliance. Kevin Strom became the new leader of the newly founded group National Vanguard in April, 2005 with Roger Williams becoming his loyal right-hand man.
After many months of not accomplishing most of their goals Roger Williams and many other former leaders of the National Alliance became disillusioned with the new leadership of Kevin Strom and his powerful wife Elisha Strom. The creation of the new group National Vanguard had not worked out as planned.
In January 2006 the Denver, Co and Tampa, FL chapters of National Vanguard, which had been the very same chapters of the National Alliance publicly cited the failures of the National Vanguard group and founded the new group called "[Nationalist Coalition]."
The stated purpose for the founding of the Nationalist Coalition was given as the following:
"Through a loss of self-determination due to media control by a few individuals at the top, the organization purports that white values are being lost. The media has "... enormous power to lead the American people and their government in whatever direction they choose". With this basic position, the organization is attempting to create a network of anti non-white immigrant, volunteers to fuel their own media intervention and thus expound their own white separatist beliefs."