Navajyothisree Karunakara Guru
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Navajyothisree Karunakara Guru was born in a modest family in the year 1927 on Thursday 1st September(16th of Chingam1103 ME) at Chandiroor, Chertala in Alapuzha district of Kerala state, India. He was born to Sri Govindan and Smt Karthyayani. His father passed away when the child was but nine months old.At a very tender age itself, He started receiving spiritual experiences . From the very early days onwards , Guru could experience the vision of a celestial appearance wearing a golden crown. It was only when that countenance spoke, Guru could utter even a single word. Hence the child did not speak freely. The internal figure with golden crown gradually disappeared by the age of nine. Only after that the child could speak fluently and be sent to the village school. Later in life, Guru recognized the vision of that celestial figure to be of Lord Sri Krishna.
[edit] The Search Begins
The Search Begins
Around this period, the senior members of the family had arranged for the remarriage of Guru's mother. The child guru had to move with His mother. But the new home was not comfortable to the child. The Boy did not feel at home and requested his school teacher to take him to an ashram, which he did. Thus He became an inmate of Advaita Ashram at Alwaye near Kochi, which was a branch of Sivagiri Mutt, founded by Sree Narayana Guru. Guru was to spend the next 17 years at Sivagiri Mutt in Varkala and its branches in South India. In Sivagiri Mutt, Guru served in various capacities- performing pooja, cooking,looking after visitors, taking care of themadathipathi(head of the Mutt) and so on. Guru's contemporaries remember Him as an affectionate, devoted, meticulous,and conscientious boy,ever keen and caring to the well being of the organization and the ideology for which it stood.Often Guru performed His karma ignoring His physical inconveniences.Guru reached Sivagiri 14 years after the samadhi(demise) of Sree Narayana Guru.Guru had always felt the dire need for a spiritually enlightened preceptor.
[edit] Meets His Guru
Meets His Guru His desire to meet an enlightened master was fulfilled, when Guru was 25, when a well-wisher took Guru to a Sufi saint, Khureshi Fakir, who lived in the surroundings of the famous Beema Mosque in Thiruvananthapuram. The Fakir perceived the great spirituality inherent in Guru and was happy to receive Guru as his disciple. Under his guidance, Guru's inner life became more active. The Fakir realized the greatness of his unique disciple and mentioned it to others: "Here is a great soul".
Guru remained an inmate of Sivagiri Mutt for sometime after meeting His Guru during which period he had to face enormous difficulties of all sorts including hostilities from His colleagues and superiors. Later, Guru realized the reason for these adversities- the influence of subtle beings in different spiritual planes. Some events in Sivagiri Mutt eventually led Guru to leave Sivagiri.
After years of association, the Fakir indicated that he could guide Guru no more For further attainment Guru had to strive on his own. But Guru would get everything, Fakir said.
Accomplishment of Realization
[edit] Accomplishment of Realization
For the next few years ,He stayed in a small dwelling donated by a well wisher, Sri.Gangadharan Mudhalali, near Sivagiri Mutt. The hill on which Guru stayed came to be called"Santhigiri". After seven years,, Guru , as per the revelations from the Brahmam, moved to the present site at Pothencode in 1969. A thatched hut was built there, marking the beginning of the present Santhigiri Ashram.
Guru was to keep away from people for some time. Guru continued His prayers and meditation. Ultimately His disciples received visions from the supreme light(the spiritual radiance of the Absolute).Through these visions, the mission of Guru, the secrets of creation, the Manu(the first preceptor of human race)lineage, the Sanathana Dharma(a way of life through GURU-DISCIPLE lineage),the intricacies of Manwanthara (the period of one Manu comprising of 306,720,000years)andChathur Yugas(quartet ofyugascomprising of sathya,tretha,dwapara and kali),the Great Error in the spiritual history of mankind,short comings of the Trinitysystem, the implications ofYuga Dharma(code of conduct for each of the four yugas),the evolution of the soul and the Will of Brahmamwere revealed to Guru's disciples.
Of all the revelations , the one about the Great Error occurred twenty five chathur yugas back to a great rishi in the Manu lineage, which caused deviation in the Yugadharma and the resultant pollution of human actions that lie at the root of human sorrows and sufferings, was unknown and unheard of in human spiritual history. The disciples were informed through visions that the restoration of Yugadharma and the implementation of Kali Yugadharma through Guru-Disciple lineage according to the will of Brahmamis the real mission of Guru. Guru is the most glorious manifestation of the Supreme Self-Parabrahmam-or in other words"Gur Sakshat Parabrahmam";He is the very embodiment of Supreme Reality, and He is the most adorable manifestation of Brahmam.
On 20th September 1973, it was revealed from the Supreme Light:"What I had been waiting for, through Yugas, is realized". At the age of 46 , Guru thus completed the ascendancy through all spiritual planes and attained fullness. Guru is the true refuge for those seeking true spirituality. During the early days, Guru had to to confront a lot of hardships and sufferings. He was alone in his strife. His austerity, compassion, dedication, determination,sacrifice,universal love and the 'watchful care' of Brahmam led him through all the hurdles for realising his mission of incarnation and actualising the Will of Brahmam
[edit] Guru in Revelation and Prophecies
Guru's Mother Remembers When Guru commenced His Ashram-life His contacts with the parents and relatives became rarer. For a long time they knew very little about His whereabouts. But later when Guru became well known some of His relatives were able to identify Him. Guru's mother, by then of advanced in age, recollected with tears that when she was carrying her "Swami Son", she used to see in vision a great many Rishis(sages), Sanyasis, Sanyasinis,gorgeousDevas, Devis'(celestial powers) 'paying obeiscence to her.
[edit] Aurobindo
On 24th november 1926, Sri Aurobindo had a vision of the "Super Mind" descending to the earth escorted by the "Over mind". Sri Aurobindo described the "Super Mind" as the descent of Supreme Light into physical body. Exactly after 280 days , the normal period of gestation, Guru was born in Chandiroor.
[edit] Nostradamus
The Sixteenth century , French Seer, Nostradamus has spoken of a Messiah."He who is born at a place where three seas meet.He will conquer many things and will become famous through out the world. He will act like a whirlwind and will take Orient India to the highest point. A person, not from a Semitic religion-not a Christian- not from white race- not a European- who considers Thursday as a Holy day will become the conqueror of this world". This description fits Gurus life.
[edit] Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ Jesus Christ , on the last day of His sojourn on the earth, tells His disciples that He has to go,but the 'Father'would send another 'Comforter' who would be with them for ever and who will speak of the truths that He had taught and would "show you the things to come"(i.e teach through Darshans).(St.John,Ch 14-16).Guru's life fulfills this prophecy as well.
[edit] Prophet Mohammed
Prophet Mohammed Prophet Mohammed had talked to his disciples about the great teacher(Mahdi)who would come to talk of the glory of God and give the law to man. The Mahdi,ipso facto , is, Guru.
[edit] Sree Buddha
Sree Buddha The 'Gospel of Buddha'compiled by Paul Carus, notifies that Buddha had predicted that a Great Guru by the name of 'Mettayya(meaning, Kindness or Karuna)will manifest in due time to reveal the Eternal truth, establishing pure and perfect lineage of human race to this world.(P210, Mettayya)
[edit] Guru Merges with Adisankalpam
Guru left His physical body, merging in Adisankalpam(the plane of all origins), on 6th May 1999(23Medam,1175ME).It was revealed that He would continue to be with the devotees as Nava Oli and the day is to be celebrated as Nava Oli Jyothir Dinam-Sarvamangala Sudinam( the day of the 'New Light', a day of wonderful spiritual grace). Guru had assured the parampara'(lineage) 'of an enlightened soul functioning as Guru Sthaneeya(Guru Apparent)in each generation for ages to come. Guru's words have been actualized in Sishyapoojitha Janani Amritha Jnana Thapaswini, who is the guiding spirit of the Ashram now.
[edit] Teachings of Navajyoti Sree Karunakara Guru
Spirituality is the essence of man that transcends life, death, beliefs, customs, cultures etc. In the course of spiritual awakening and evolution, man passes through Jagrat, Swapna, Sushupti, Turiyam, Turiyateetham states (wakefulness, sleep, dream and deep sleep, etc). The soul awakened in all these states of existence discovers Prakriti or Nature and the various dimensions in the physical nature where existence continues after death. With such a realized insight, the Jnanis of yore discovered and expounded the meaning of life in its fullest condition.
There is a soul, a ‘software’ that is coming and going in life and death. This software is an accumulation of the Karma Gathy(propensity of the soul) of lakhs of births and deaths. The knowledge about the soul, its existences in the various dimensions, the inherent, inalterable laws by which it earns good and bad and evolves higher are the soul knowledge. In the Kali Yuga (According to the Manu –the first Guru- tradition of Indian spirituality, which constitutes the basis of the original stream of Indian civilization called Sanatana Dharma, the present age is Kaliyuga) man becomes fully awakened. He needs the knowledge and guidance of the Jnani to conduct his life. Simple religious observances, rituals, beliefs, traditions, convictions in historical perspective, are not suitable at all.
At Santhigiri, NAVAJYOTHISREE KARUNAKARA GURU has rediscovered this total reality and has expounded a fulfilling way of life suited to this age. The subject matter of Ashram and its spirituality are based upon the realizations and the teachings of Guru. While it may appear radical to some, it will be easily seen that the subject matter are original spirituality rediscovered. The contrast between spirituality and religion is clearly seen. While history based religious traditions give to us human beings separate identities, the spiritual outlook shows us our universal individuality.
[edit] YUGA DHARMA (Ethical Code of the Age)
Religious practices among the people living in different social settings present the spectacle of myriad paths in the worship of God. The confusion that arises in a seeker in seeing the complexity in religious practices can be resolved only by a fully realized Guru who should show at the experiential level the truth and untruth engrained in different methods of worship. Notably different from other spiritual philosophies, ancient Indian spiritual science has presented insightful account on the means through which the Supreme should be worshipped in accordance with Yugadharma (the dharma or the ethical code intended to be the basis of human deeds in each age). It is the Manu tradition of Indian spirituality that constitutes the basis of the Rishi or Arsha Bharat Samskara which provided humanity a time scale, knowledge and worship pattern of the Supreme in accordance with the dharma of each Yuga. ‘Time scale’ enunciated by Manu, the first Guru, sheds light into the Yugadharma.
In the Dharma of Kali Yuga everything becomes the Supreme oriented. The Guru must be PARABRAHMA Guru. The Mantra initiation (upadesa), prayer, meditation and all else must be to the Supreme. In the scriptures the Jnana portion becomes relevant. Only darshans, ashareeries (revelations) emanating from the Supreme must be accepted.
The human being is the depository of eternal wisdom. Spiritually highly evolved Rishies in the ancient India had developed the faculty of internal vision. The stream of knowledge that came out of them is known as ‘Atmajnanam’. ‘Atmajnanis’ means those who realized the ultimate truth. This Spiritual tradition of Atmajnanam is known as ‘Arsha Bharat Samskara’ (Ancient Rishi civilization) or Sanatana Dharma. The origin of this spiritual legacy has been traced back to Manu, the first great Guru and his lineage. The Manu’s were the initial Gurus who imparted to humanity the dharma to be followed in each Age or Yuga. But in course of time this jnana path (path of knowledge) disappeared which had its negative repercussion in material and spiritual life.
This lost path of Atmajnana has been rejuvenated and restored by Navajyothysree Karunakara Guru. The most important fact is that Guru has not only restored this Jnana Path but He has also perfected it and gifted to humanity a spiritual path for its sustenance. The hundreds of spiritually evolved children born and brought up in this Guru Parampara testify this truth. As to spiritual vision Guru corrected the existing notion and effected a basic correction. While correcting spiritual visions of the disciples, Guru taught them at the experiential level that the source of vision differs. It may originate from various astral powers - bhoothas, pitrus, deva-devatha, rishi or sanyasi etc. Here the ultimate vision or the ultimate source of knowledge is ‘PARABRAHMA’ (The Supreme Power). Thus a Guru who reached Supreme avasta (stage) alone should be the source of such Darshan. Knowledge of the entire creation, dharma, karma, mistakes, and their correction etc. are known. Science, technology, astral knowledge, disease, and medicines, even awareness of the past, present and future can be known in this manner. Our life must be lived with such knowledge and under the guidance of such a Guru. Such a Guru tradition is the path of the Kaliyuga or the Kali Age.
[edit] ‘GURU POOJA’- Spiritual Cleansing
There have ever been sincere efforts to bring about qualitative changes in human thinking and behavior with the objective to usher in a new human civilization. The Spiritual Visionaries and Social revolutionaries envisaged benevolent social order in which man lives in harmony with each other. But our experience has been that instead of achieving qualitative transformation, human being has slipped down to conflicting relationships with fellow beings and nature. The findings of modern genetic science that basic human nature and capabilities are genetically determined by birth - has brought about a new thinking about the reasons behind the incorrigible human nature. Once the traits of desirable and undesirable behavior and orientations find their way into the genetic order, it is impossible to eliminate them from there. The good and bad, and fortune and misfortune that we consider as the determinants of human life are thus decided at the time of birth.
One of the basic tenets of Sanatana Dharma has been that the future course of an individual’s life depends on the cumulative effects of the inherited vices and virtues that are engrained in one’s jeeva or soul. Unless and until the inherited impurities or bad effects of misdeeds in past births are not wiped out or washed away from one’s jeeva or genetic order, the future life will be influenced and guided by those negative instincts. It means a genetic cleansing is essential for giving birth to pure progenies.
Though different means have been devised and prescribed by religions and spiritual doctrines, no permanent solution has ever been there to remove impurities and cleanse the evil effects in one’s jeeva and thus make possible a noble human life. On the spiritual fulfillment in 1973, Navajyothisree Karunakara Guru got permission from Brahma Prakasham to perform ‘Guru pooja’ (Pithru Suddhi) by which the manes or ancestral souls in different zodiacs are totally purified paving way for the birth of children free of karmadosham or bad effects of previous deeds in soul.
This Atmakarma (astral performance)is performed by the designated spiritually evolved disciple on Guru’s instruction. Not only manes or pitrus are purified from the effects of bad deeds in previous births, but also the powers which these ancestors had worshipped as God while living, are also being liberated and given whatever is to be spiritually given by Guru. Guru envisions the emergence of a new human race and world order through such children born after this purification karma called Gurupooja. This cleansing karma holds out the promise and hope that a global cultural renaissance will be materialized through this emerging generation leading to peace and tranquility in the world.