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Spawn is able to concentrate necroplasma and shoot it in an energy like "beam" from his body. -- Spawn (comics)
"He is also capable of using various hellish powers, particularly the necroplasm." -- Spawn: Armageddon
"Simmons accepts the offer and is transformed into a scarred, decomposing being with a necroplasm suit that is not only a living, breathing creature, but is also his only protection in the world." -- Spawn (film)
"Hellspawns are infused with dark energy, called necroplasm, when they are created, but this power is finite when outside of hell." -- Hellspawn
[edit] Form and color
- Is it a black liquid substance?
- Is it a green flame or a green gas?
Is it both? Does it have more than one form?
Answer: It is a green goo that oozes from his wounds and is used in a flourescent energy when used offensively. -The Chibi Kiriyama
The word is a combination of "necro-", from the Greek for dead, and ectoplasm, the supposed psychic energy of one's "life-force," often referred to as the substance of ghosts, which have no physical form but manifest in bodies of ectoplasm, which itself roughly means "outside life". Thus "necroplasm" can be taken to mean "deathlife" or the life-force of the dead. Apparently this means that whatever force powers necroplasm, it is based in the nether of death itself.