NetCDF Operators
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NCO (netCDF Operaters) is a suite of programs designed to facilitate manipulation and analysis of self-describing data stored in the netCDF format.
[edit] Program Suite
- ncap netCDF Arithmetic Processor
- ncatted netCDF Attribute Editor
- ncbo netCDF Binary Operator (includes ncadd, ncsubtract, ncmultiply, ncdivide)
- ncea netCDF Ensemble Averager
- ncecat netCDF Ensemble Concatenator
- ncflint netCDF File Interpolator
- ncks netCDF Kitchen Sink
- ncpdq netCDF Permute Dimensions Quickly, Pack Data Quietly
- ncra netCDF Record Averager
- ncrcat netCDF Record Concatenator
- ncrename netCDF Renamer
- ncwa netCDF Weighted Averager
[edit] External links
- NCO official web-site