New America Foundation
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The New America Foundation is a non-profit public policy institute and think tank located in Washington, D.C. that promotes innovative political solutions transcending conventional party lines -- what they call radical centrist politics. Founded by Ted Halstead, the foundation aims to be non-partisan, and its board includes people with a range of political beliefs. Well-known board members include political commentator and Newsweek columnist Fareed Zakaria, former Republican governor Christine Todd Whitman, conservative philosopher and historian Francis Fukuyama, author and Atlantic Monthly correspondent James Fallows, conservative education critic Diane Ravitch, and liberal economist and professor Laura D'Andrea Tyson. The senior research fellow is Anatol Lieven.
[edit] Ideology and research
The New America Foundation actively encourages a variety of opinions. The politics of the board members and fellows range from the American left to the American right. Scholars represent many different areas of public policy, from economics to the environment to gender to political philosophy. The methodologies are equally varied, with some specializing in quantitative analysis and others favoring historical ruminations. The research is undertaken in order to achieve the Foundation's stated mission: "to bring exceptionally promising new voices and new ideas to the fore of our nation's public discourse."
[edit] Published articles
Articles by numerous New America Foundation members have appeared in leading publications. The Atlantic Monthly has had extensive coverage in several issues from New American Foundation writers, expounding on their analyses and proposing solutions to persistent US problems. Board members and fellows have written cover stories for a large number of periodicals, including centrist publications like Foreign Affairs, Foreign Policy, The Wilson Quarterly, Wired and The New Yorker; conservative publications like The National Interest and The American Conservative; and liberal publications like The American Prospect, The New Republic and Mother Jones.
[edit] External links
- New America Foundation webpage
- Source Watch
- "Cutting Dividend Taxes Could Work to Reform Corporate Taxation," by Phillip Longman and Maya MacGuineas
- "Citizenship and Sacrifice for National Service," by Michael Lind
- "Asset Building Program for Low-Income Americans," New America Foundation program description