Nikhi Hindujah
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Nikhi (Nikhilesh) Hinduja was an Indian politician in the Bharatiya Janata Party. He had a highly controvercial politics career, involving alledged drug trafficing and racial abuse to other politicans, causing huge controversy. Has not been seen for 6 months.
Nikhilesh was born in the 1950's but his mother abandoned him in a small orphanage in Delhi because he was the result of a shameful pre-marital affair. He grew up in the orpanage and was top of his class in most subjects. He learned some English and when he was 14 was adopted by a wealthy American couple who took him overseas to live with them in thier house in the Philipines where he picked up his well known American accent.
After being home schooled for the rest of his secondary education, he pursued a career in law but after an embarassing fiasco involving an underground cannabis trafficking network linked back to Hinduja himself, he was forced to flee the country and travel back to India. He then started his political career and moved his way up the political ranks and appeared to be doing well for himself untill he went missing in September. There is speculation that his sudden dissapearance is linked to his recent racial slander of other unnamed polititians and it is rumoured that the Indian mob has become involved in the manhunt.