From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I live in the Netherlands, and I speak Dutch and English. I can also understand German, but writing it grammatically correct takes a lot of effort. So, if you try it, you're on your own. :-)
[edit] Interests
My main interests are:
- water polo as a player and a referee
- recreational diving
- computers, both professionally and as a hobby
- chemistry
- physics
[edit] Wikipedia
I started out by reading a lot of articles. I'm somewhat of a knowledge junkie and once I start, I follow some links from article to article (and on and on) until I realize I've been reading for hours and need to do something else.
My first edit was just removing someone's vandalism. That made me so mad! I think the Wiki(pedia) system is great and I hate to see it go to waste because some people just can't resist defacing it. So I signed up and try to give something back to this project.
This is my first Wiki page, but I think I'll edit some minor things on existing pages, before I create a completely new Wikipedia page. (especially since I just realized I saved my first user page ain the discussion page :-))