The Scientist
Ihuic Huiquipedia, in tlanemi cēntlamatilizāmoxtli
"The Scientist" (Nāhuatlahtōlli: "In cihuatlamatini") inic ōme cuīcatl īpan A Rush Of Blood To The Head, inic ōme tonameyocaquizcopinaloni ihuic angliatl tlacuīcaliztli Coldplay in tlamactlihuanceti 4 2002 xihuitl.
[ticpatlaz] Cuīcameh
[ticpatlaz] Single, tonameyocaquizcopinalonin
- "The Scientist"
- "1.36" (Cē tliltetl cempōaloncaxtōllcē)
- "I Ran Away" (Nehuatl choloa)
Coldplay |
Chris Martin | Jonny Buckland | Guy Berryman | Will Champion |
Caquizcopīnalōniliztli |
LPs: Parachutes | A Rush Of Blood To The Head | X&Y |
EPs: Brothers And Sisters | The Blue Room |
Cuīcatl: "Ode To Deodorant" | "Brothers And Sisters" | "Shiver" | "Don't Panic" | "Yellow" | "Trouble" | "In My Place" | "Clocks" | "The Scientist" | "God Put A Smile Upon Your Face" | "Speed Of Sound" | "Fix You" | "Talk" | "The Hardest Part" | "White Shadows" | "What If" | "Bucket For A Crown" |
Occēquintin tlahcuilōlli |
Cahuantinami rock | Londin |