Wikipedia:देवनागरी टेम्प्लेट परियोजना
विकिपिडिया नं
थ्व परियोजना देवनागरी विकिपिडिया तेगु दथुइ समन्वय देकेतः पलिस्था यागु खः। देवनागरीय् देकातगु टेम्प्लेटतः देवनागरी विकिपिडियातेगु दथुई इनिगु थ्व परियोजनायागु उद्देश्य खः।
This is a wikipedia project page. This project aims to create a better co-ordination between the Devnagari wikipediae. The project specifically does so by sharing of the Templates. There are many scientific and cultural pages (amongst others) which have tempalates that can be shared by the wikipediae having the same script. Such templates can be shared by the other wikipediae which reduces the time wasted in creating the new Template from scraps. Any Devnagari wikipedia which has templates that are in language comprehensible by others (English/Latin transscripted or Sanskrit eg those relating to Mahabharata, Ramayana) can be listed here. If other wikipedia does not have the template at the moment, they can simply follow the link to the desired tempalate.
Please link this page in the local community portal of all the Devnagari wikipediae.
Templates that can be exported from each languages are listed below (in Devnagari order):-
धलः |
[सम्पादन] कश्मिरी
[सम्पादन] नेपाल भाषा
- Template:तत्त्व
- Template:हिन्दू धर्म
- Template:होलोकस्ट
- Template:नोबेल सिरपा भौतिक शास्त्र
- Template:दे
- Template:द सिम्प्सनस्
[सम्पादन] नेपाली
[सम्पादन] पाली
[सम्पादन] भोजपुरी
[सम्पादन] मराठी
[सम्पादन] रोमानी
[सम्पादन] संस्कृत
[सम्पादन] हिन्दी
Template:हिन्दू धर्म - hi:Template:हिन्दू धर्म
[सम्पादन] कमेन्ट (सुझाव)
[सम्पादन] Requesting help in designing a barnstar
- All Indian Languages using wikipedians,
- Further promotion of Indic language wikipedias needs mass media publicity like Print,Radio,telvision , aproaching in academic Institutions.
- Also if possible a level of field support from network engineers in India for presentation and training in usage of Indospheric Languages and wikipedia can be a added boon.
- May I call on all indic language wikipedia users,to put our hands together to design special barnstars or suggest one which can be awarded to all those who will support our noble cause with actual field support among Indian education institutions and Indian mass media or actual field 'network'help to users.
- I belive we should award barnstars to such users who can support the cause through online publicity like blogs , groups etc. also.
- Please do share any good development in this regards to all indic language wikipedias at विकिपिडिया: देवनागरी टेम्प्लेट परियोजना