Van Wikipedia
Description |
English: Structures of the kidney:
- Renal pyramid
- Interlobar artery
- Renal artery
- Renal vein
- Renal hylum
- Renal pelvis
- Ureter
- Minor calyx
- Renal capsule
- Inferior renal capsule
- Superior renal capsule
- Interlobar vein
- Nephron
- Minor calyx
- Major calyx
- Renal papilla
- Renal column
(no distinction for red/blue (oxygenated or not) blood, arteriole is between capilaries and larger vessels
Español: Partes del riñón:
- Pirámide renal
- Arteria eferente
- Arteria renal
- Vena renal
- Hilum renal
- Pelvis renal
- Uréter
- Cáliz menor
- Cápsula renal
- Cápsula renal inferior
- Cápsula renal superior
- Vena aferente
- Nefrón
- Cáliz menor
- Cáliz mayor
- Papila renal
- Columna renal
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