Overleg:Tirpitz (slagschip)
Van Wikipedia
'Tijdens de heldhaftige aanval stierven 6 leden van het commando.'
Toegevoegd dat dit de leden van X5 waren, die vermoedelijk door een geschutstoren van de Tirpitz tot zinken werd gebracht.
[bewerk] Topic
Sorry if I write englisch, but I can't write Dutch (I am able to understand it.) The Topic SMS Tirpitz is wrong - the prefix SMS refers to "Seiner Majestät Schiff", which was used until 1918 when Germany was a monarchy. The correct topic would only be Tirpitz. -- 16 mei 2006 20:07 (CEST)
"Schlachtschiff Tirpitz" more accurately.
- Sorry for the delay, you're completely right. Move executed. «Niels(F)» zeg het eens.. 5 dec 2006 23:40 (CET)
My reaction is about this part "veel kleiner was dan eender welk andere onderzeeër van dat ogenblik."
By my knowledge had the Japanese navy also very small submarines(1-person). They used them at the attack at Pearl Harbour (7-12-41) but had no succes. I remember a documentary from Discovery Channel, that did research at a claim of a US-navy ship that had claimed to destroy such sub and that would have been the first success for the Americans in WO II. They indeed found that submarine and found a granate-hole in its hull.