Virgin Islands March
Van Wikipedia
The "Virgin Islands March" is het volkslied van de Amerikaanse Maagdeneilanden. Het lied is gemaakt door Naval Bandmaster en Alton Adams in 1920. Het lied was het onofficiële volkslied tot 1963 en daarna is het lied officieel aangesteld als volkslied.
[bewerk] Tekst
- All hail our Virgin Islands.
- Em'ralds of the sea,
- Where beaches bright with coral sand
- And trade winds bless our native land.
- All hail our Virgin Islands,
- Bathed in waters blue,
- We give our loyalty,
- Full to thee,
- And pledge allegiance forever true.
- To thee our Virgin Islands,
- Loving voices raise
- A song in praise of brotherhood,
- Where right makes might to fight for good.
- To thee our Virgin Islands,
- Haven of the free,
- We sing our love to thee,
- Joyously,
- Our own fair islands of liberty.
- March on oh Virgin Islands,
- In the joyful throng,
- Uphold the right and right the wrong
- Where only peace and love belong.
- March on oh Virgin Islands,
- Democratic land.
- Together hand in hand,
- Take your stand,
- Forever soldiers in freedom's band.
- God bless our Virgin Islands,
- Humbly now we pray,
- Where all mankind can join today
- In friendly warmth of work and play.
- God bless our Virgin Islands,
- Beautiful and tall.
- Beneath a sunny sky,
- Hilltops high
- Hold out a welcome for one and all.