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From the Buchenwald concentration camp.
From, public domain
Description from the site:
- "These are slaves laborers in the Buchenwald concentration camp near Jena; many had died from malnutrition when US troops of the 80th Division enter the camp." Germany, April 16, 1945. Pvt. H. Miller.
- Credit: National Archives and Records Administration
Description from en:, by en:User:Zoe, en:User:Ellywa and en:User:Gabbe:
- Jewish slave laborers at Buchenwald. The very ill man lying at the back on the lower coughes is en:Max Hamburger, who came with TBC and malnourished from the camp. He recovered and became a psychiatrist in the Netherlands. Second row, seventh from left is Elie Wiesel.
Nederlands: Gevangen in Buchenwald, bij de bevrijding 16 april 1945 Helemaal rechts onderaan, op de rug liggend, ziet men de latere psychiater Max Hamburger. Geheel verzwakt door tuberculose en minder dan 30
kilogram wegend kwam hij terug in Nederland.
Elie Wiesel is in de tweede rij, zevende van links
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