Diskusjon:Gardar i Oppland fylke
Frå Wikipedia – det frie oppslagsverket
Flytta frå Wikipedia:Samfunnshuset av --Gunnernett 23. mai 2006 kl. 19:48 (UTC)
[endre] Lister over gårder i Oppland (Lists of farms in Oppland)
Articles which parallel a Norwegian Wikipeda series on Lists of farms in Oppland have been proposed for deletion; the Norwegian series is no:Kategori:Lister over gårder i Oppland. I believe that such material has both historical and genealogical value, but as always will support the position of the Wikimajority. If you have an opinion for or against deletion, I’d appreciate your commentary on en:Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/Lists of farms in Oppland. You’re welcome either in favor or against deletion. Tusen takk - Williamborg 9. mai 2006 kl. 03:31 (UTC)
Klipt hit frå Diskusjon:Hovudside av / Kurtber™|Ordskifte 9. mai 2006 kl. 10:06 (UTC)
Desse sidene bør snarast muleg kopierast over hit (men utan «liste over ...» i namnet). Dette er verdifullt lokalhistorisk materiale! -- Olve 9. mai 2006 kl. 22:01 (UTC)
Appreciate your moving this here (and apologize that my Nynorsk is poor enough that I must use English). It is indeed «verdifullt lokalhistorisk materiale»; members of my family come from these farms in Oppland as well as in Hedmark. Many Americans are interested in finding these family farms—even those last seen by a family member over 150 years ago.
If there is a copyright problem, that would be important to know.
Many Norwegians joined the deletion discussion—some voted to delete and some voted to retain. The discussion closed with no decision. For all who voted either for or against—your time, effort and insights are appreciated—tusen takk - Williamborg 14. mai 2006 kl. 21:41 (UTC)
Slutt på tekst flytta frå Wikipedia:Samfunnshuset av --Gunnernett 23. mai 2006 kl. 19:48 (UTC)