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[edit] Description
Mariage parsi en costume traditionnel
TITLE: Parsee wedding, India
REPRODUCTION NUMBER: LC-USZ62-91595 (b&w film copy neg.) No known restrictions on publication.
SUMMARY: Group of 21 people posed.
MEDIUM: 1 photographic print.
CREATED/PUBLISHED: [between ca. 1890 and 1923]
CREATOR:Bourne & Shepherd.
NOTES:Frank and Frances Carpenter Collection (Library of Congress).
Photograph by Bourne & Shepherd, Bombay.
[edit] Source
Frank and Frances Carpenter Collection (Library of Congress),app,brum,detr,swann,look,gottscho,pan,horyd,genthe,var,cai,cd,hh,yan,bbcards,lomax,ils,prok,brhc,nclc,matpc
[edit] Statut
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