User talk:OlavN
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[edit] or must you post this?
In Ormus matter: the ormus concept is not generally acknowledged by physicists. To put that another way: ORMUS is pseudo science which is not even notable enough to be written up as such or as an hoax. I spotted your new article, had a vague recollection, investigated and found Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/ORMUS. Very sorry to come down so heavily on your first contribution. I also found User:Sloth monkey/ORMEs. You might like to ask that monkey whether he thinks the article can be re-instated. -- RHaworth 13:06, 1 February 2007 (UTC)
On second thoughts, we are told to "assume good faith" so I have taken the liberty of posting your article here to facititate public discussion. -- RHaworth 13:22, 1 February 2007 (UTC)
[edit] Det skal ikke være enkelt
Jeg ser du har fått en artikkel om ormus- eller m-state-elementer slettet. Jeg ser du også forsøker å opprette artikkel om PESWiki. Denne ble nylig slettet, så vi får se om forsøket holder denne gang. Det er trange forhold for alternative emner på Wikipedia for tiden. Selv er jeg utestengt fra bokmåls-Wikipedia for tiden og to svære artikler jeg hadde oversatt fra engelsk om den myndighetskritiske 11. september-bevegelsen ble samtidig slettet derfra. Det er iallfall fint å se at andre norske (og Wikipedia-folk overhodet) evner og interesserer seg for å tenke utenfor boksen. __meco 12:09, 10 February 2007 (UTC)
[edit] Monorail images
Hi OlavN,
Firstly, congratulations on the monorail article. The pictures I took of the Sydney Monorail are indeed available at Wikimedia Commons.
Thanks for wanting to include one of them! :) Cheers - Gobeirne 22:57, 5 March 2007 (UTC)