One Fat Hen
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One Fat Hen (also called One Red Hen) is a drinking game. It is based on the difficulty people often have in exactly repeating what the leader says, and the amusing possibilities when they get it wrong.
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[edit] Gameplay
The normal mode of play is that the leader recites the first line of the game and then all the players take it in turns to First - Sip the drink; Second - repeat the line; and Third - take another sip; if anyone makes a mistake, he or she must take a drink (or pay a forfeit) and ask the Leader to repeat. They then repeat the turn (Sip-Repeat-Sip). When everyone has got it right, the leader starts again, and adds the second line. Each player must now say the first and second lines, and so on, like this:
- Leader - *sip* One fat hen! *sip*
- Player 1 - *sip* One fat hen! *sip*
- Player 2 - *sip* One hat fen!(takes a drink, and must repeat the line) *sip* One fat hen! *sip*
- Player 3 - *sip* One fat hen! *sip*
- Leader - *sip* One fat hen, couple duck *sip*
- Player 1 - *sip* One fat hen, couple duck *sip*
- Player 2 - *sip* One fat hen, two ducks(takes another drink, and starts again)
- Player 3 - *sip* One fat hen, couple duck *sip*
and so on, with increasing mirth.
[edit] Original sentences
The original set of sentences is:
- One Fat Hen
- Couple Duck
- Three Brown Bear
- Four Running Hare
- Five Fat Fickle Females Sitting Sipping Scotch
- Six Simple Simons Sitting on a Stump
- Seven Sinbad Sailors Sailing Sailing the Seven Seas, on a sloop
- Eight egotistical egoists, echoing echoing egotistical ecstasies
- Nine nude nibs, nib, nib, nibbling on nix, nags, and nicotine
- I never was a fig plucker, not a fig plucker's son, but I'll keep plucking fig til the fig plucker comes
- You bet your sweet ass I'm a turtle
[edit] Variations
There are many variations of the text to say, appropriate for different audiences.
[edit] Rugby variation
Here is one suitable for rugby players and the like:
- One fat hen!
- Couple ducks!
- Three brown bears!
- Four running hares!
- Five fat, fickle females!
- Six Simple Simons sitting sideways on a stump!
- Seven Sinbad sailors sailing the seven seas!
- Eight egotistical egotists eating egotistical ecstasy!
- Nine nude nooblies noobling nibbling on nags nuts and nicotine!
- And ten, If I were a fidpucker or a fidpuckers son, I'd pick them fids 'til the fudpucker came, and you can bet your sweet ass I'm a turtle.
[edit] Nonsense variation
Here's another, demonstrating that any nonsense will do, and can even change the name of the game:
- One duck
- Couple of hens
- Three brown bears
- Skip four
- Five fat ferries
- Six simple simpletons, sitting a stump
- Seven Sicilian sailors, sailing the seven seas
- Eight egotistical egoists, echoing echoing egotistical charms
- Nine nebulous ninnines nibbling nicotine
- I'm not the fig plucker, I'm not the fig plucker's son, but I'll pluck figs until the fig plucker comes
[edit] Another variation
- One red hen
- A couple of ducks
- Three brown bears
- Four hopping hares
- Five fat females
- Six simple simons sitting on a stump
- Seven scicillian sailors, sailing the seven seas
- Eight egotistical egotists, eagerly echoing eagotistical ecstacies
- Nine nubile nymphs nimbly nibling Nat's knuckles and nicotine
- The fig plucker I'm not, nor the fig plucker's son, but I'll pluck figs til the fig plucker comes.
[edit] 1981 variation
This variation is circa 1981:
- One red hen
- Couple o' duck
- Three brown bear
- Four running hare
- Five, fat, fickle females sitting sipping scotch
- Six simple Simons sitting on a stone
- Seven Sinbad sailors, sailing the seven seas
- Eight egotistical egotists echoing egotistical ecstasies
- Nine nude nooblings nibbling-nibbling nuts, gnats, and nicotine
- I ain't the fig-plucker fig-plucker's son, but I ain't leavin' till the fig-plucker comes.
[edit] 1991 variation
This one is from 1991, with a couple of infills. This may be the supreme version, but tends toward the crude in practice. Note that players must repeat exactly what the leader says: no ands etc, or they suffer a penalty drink.
- One fat hen
- Couple of ducks
- Three brown bears
- Four running hares
- Five foxy females fixing for a fight
- Six Sicilian sailors sail the seven seas
- Seven happy sheet slitters happily slitting sheets
- Eight cocky sock cutters cockily cutting socks
- Nine nude nymphs knitting nine naughty negligees
- I'm not the pheasant plucker, I'm the pheasant plucker's son, I'm only plucking pheasants til the pheasant plucker comes.
[edit] 1993 variation
Yet another version, circa 1993 (and evidently the only one with an actual "10"):
- One fat Murray
- A couple of ducks
- Three brown bears
- Four horny hares
- Five fickle females fixing for a fight
- Six simple Simons sitting on fence trying to make a dollar out of ninety nine cents
- Seven Sicilian sailors sailing the seven seas
- Eight egotistical egotists echoing egotistical ecstasies
- Nine nude nymphs nibbling on gnat tails and nicotine
- Ten - I'm not the fig plucker, nor the fig plucker's son, but I'll pluck the figs until the fig plucker comes.
[edit] Camp variation
In the camp version of the game, add each line as you repeat ("One fat hen," "One fat hen and a couple of ducks," "One fat hen and a couple of ducks, three baby brown bears," etc.).
A song from Camp Celio (in Nevada City, California), mid-1990s:
- One fat hen
- And a couple of ducks
- Three baby brown bears
- Four rapid running hares
- Five fat figgety felines
- Six simple Simons sewing silk in Siam
- Seven salty sailors sniffing snoose
- Eight elongated elephants elevating on an escalator
- Nine nasty nematoids nibbling on nine nasty nimatoads
- Ten two-ton, two-tone transcontinental trailer trucks travelling from Tallahassee, Tennessee, to Tyler Texas while tapping their toes to the traditional tunes of Travis Tritt on Tuesday
[edit] Fig Plucker Variation \citep{Janikas-Vegas variation}
- Fat hen
- Couple duck
- Three brown bear
- Four running hare
- Five, fat, fickle female sitting sipping scotch
- Six simple Simon sitting on a stump
- Seven Sinbad sailor, sailing the seven seas, on a sloop
- Eight egotistical egotist echoing egotistical ecstasies
- Nine new, nude, nublion; nibbling nibbling gnats, nuts, and nicotine
- Ten. I never was a fig-plucker, nor a fig-plucker's son, but I'll keep on plucking figs, until the fig-plucker comes.
[edit] Titty Twidlers\University of Bath variation - circa 2006}
This is a variation of the game introduced to a wider audience at Caddies which is popular club for students from the Unversity of Bath. In this variation of One fat hen, the person who starts off the game is allowed to add variations to any line he/she so wishes i.e. adding an additional sizzling to Five sizzling sausages. The rest of the group then has to match exactly what the leaders says.
- One fat hen
- Couple of ducks
- Three brown bears
- Four randy mares
- Five sizzling sausages sizzling in a saucepan
- Six sicilian sailers sailing the seven seas
- Seven pairs of Arnold Veezers Tweezers
- Eight lushy lesbians lusciously licking the lesbox
- Nine naughty nuns nunning in a nunnery
- Ten titty twiddlers twiddling titties in a tent