Orange Livebox
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Orange Livebox is an ADSL wireless router available to customers of Orange's Broadband services in UK, France and Orange's Mauritian partner MyT, from Mauritius, manufactured by Inventel.
Along with the ADSL modem, it features...
• 802.11b/g wi-fi router
• Bluetooth adapter
• 2 Ethernet ports
• RJ11 socket for VOIP calls using Orange Talk
• USB host port specifically for using a standard USB printer on the netwok, which Orange is calling "Live Printer"
• USB port for connection to a PC
Although hardware for these services is built into every Livebox, some (Bluetooth and Live Printer) are only activated by firmware updates. Currently, the latest firmware is v5.08.3-uk (for UK models) and was released on 20/02/2007
With hacking, and possibly in future firmware releases, it may be possible to use other hardware, such as hard drives, with the USB host port.