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OSUNY (Ohio Scientific Users of New York) was a legendary dial-up bulletin board that was run by sysop Frank Roberts in the Southern Westchester (914) area code during the late 70s and early 80s. Named for the Ohio Scientific computer it originally ran on, it attracted a large group of hackers, telephone phreaks, engineers, computer programmers, and other technophiles. It remained a haven almost exclusively for the hacker/phreaker community until gaining notoriety in a November 12th, 1984 Newsweek article, The Night of the Hackers, and the book The Hacker Crackdown, after which its popularity climbed dramatically. In later years, it was run on a IBM-PC running CP/M and the continuously evolving Citadel software. It ran via dial-up until its closing around 1985. Some of the original technical files, including bluebox, blackbox, redbox, silver box, and rainbow box plans can still be found in remote corners of the internet today.