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Outerweb is an IRC (Internet Relay Chat) network.
The network started when an IRC channel for Ctrl+Alt+Del's "cadradio" (an internet radio station) started up an IRC network called "Xnet" (now AfterX) chosen because it had the official Ctrl+Alt+Del chat channel #ctrlaltdel. After a short while of cadradio being on Xnet it was abandoned due to network politics and stability.
As it was an internet radio, cadradio had servers, these were setup as IRC servers running Unrealircd with ircservices, the cadradio channel soon thrived again and the network irc.cadradio.net was born.
On the 14th of June 2004 cadradio proved successful enough at running an IRC network for a member of Xnet's staff "Xenon" moved to help out with irc.cadradio.net. The official Ctrl+Alt+Del chat channel soon followed and the network irc.cadradio.net was renamed to be more generic, "CAD-Net"
CAD-Net became the "official" chat network for Ctrl+Alt+Del and many other CAD related channels were setup the network got a lot more notice which brought about fast expansion, including various other online comics and related IRC mergers including Sam and fuzzy, Questionable Content, InstantClassics, TalesMud, ROM, BSRF and various .box.sk channels.
2005 CAD-Net in its first full year of management falconX, Xenon and Em`Zee brought it through into 2006 Its headquarters resided in St. Catharines, Ontario (Network Services Records), Syracuse, New York (Technical Record Filing and Programming), and Cambridge, England (Network Support and Public Relations). Two conventions were held in Syracuse, New York.
As of September 2005 Ctrl+Alt+Del has since dissolved their officiality due to conflicts of interest with the creator of the comic, Tim Buckley. The staff decided that it would be in the network's best interest to change the name to "Outerweb".
April 2006 saw OuterWeb's largest change todate. OuterWeb merged with AthemeNet due to the original 2 founders having moved away and a few months of general decline in interest. To secure OuterWeb's survival for the users Xenon/X3N/Michael (now the only remaining staff member) decided to merge with AthemeNet.
Outerweb has since failed its trial period with AthemeNet, and therefore now only consists of two servers run by Xenon and TIBS. Its future therefore remains unclear.