Ovilla Christian School
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Ovilla Christian School (OCS) is a private Christian school located in Ovilla, Texas, a suburb of Dallas, Texas. OCS is a ministry of Ovilla Road Baptist Church (ORBC) and is co-located with the church on a 54-acre campus.
OCS is fully accredited by the Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI) and is a member of the Texas Association of Private and Parochial Schools (TAPPS). OCS participates in numerous extracurricular events, both athletic and academic, sponsored by ACSI and/or TAPPS (however, OCS does not participate in TAPPS football).
OCS states that it has a maximum capacity of 542 students, and currently averages around 500-520 students, in a full K4-12 program (K4 and K5 programs are offered as both half-day and full-day). As of the 2004-05 school year, OCS claims an average high-school student SAT score of 1108 and an average student ACT score of 23.
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[edit] History
OCS began in 1992 with nine students attending a half-day K5 program.
OCS has won TAPPS state athletic championships in Softball (2002-03), Girls Swimming (2002-03), Boys Cross Country (1998-99, 2002-03, 2003-04, 2004-05, 2005-06, 2006-07), and Girls Cross Country (1999-00, 2006-07), and numerous awards in various fine arts categories including the 2002-03 Fine Arts Student of the Year and first place in State Literary Criticism in 2003-04.
[edit] School Motto, Mascot, and Colors
The school motto is "Preparing Students for Life".
The school mascot is the Soaring Eagle, which symbolizes faith (through faith each Christian has the ability to rise above the power of sin, self, hell and the grave because of the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ).
The school colors are navy blue and hunter green. Blue symbolizes purity (obedience to the Word of God in the life of a student is the demonstration of purity in character), while green symbolizes integrity (the growth that God wants to produce in the lives of His children is demonstrated by student behavior based on integrity).
[edit] School Philosophy
OCS' sponsoring church, ORBC, is a conservative Southern Baptist congregation. As such, OCS' philosophy is based on a view of Biblical inerrancy, including a generally literal interpretation of the Bible and a belief in the Genesis account of creation (including a global, worldwide Flood) as historically accurate.
OCS considers itself to be a "college preparatory" school. As such, OCS' course offerings are geared toward the college-bound student (many of its courses earn both high-school and college credit, and require college tuition and book fees to be paid in addition to regular tuition and fees); OCS does not offer vocational classes.
OCS does not consider itself to be a "refuge" for problem students from other schools (OCS website clearly states that students on suspension or expulsion from other schools will not normally be accepted for enrollment at OCS), nor does it seek to educate students whose parents are not Christians or who are only nominally involved in Christian affairs (see Enrollment Requirements below). It believes that its purpose is to assist active Christian parents in reinforcing the Biblical teachings taught at home and at church.
OCS believes there are nine unchangeable principles which must guide Christian education, and their focus is to develop Christian character, learning, and behavior in accordance with the nine principles.
[edit] The Nine Unchangeable Principles
- The Scriptures are authoritative and foundational
- A Christian worldview is essential
- Parents are responsible for their children's education
- Making disciples is our commission
- Admission is a privilege
- The Bible gives standards for life and discipline
- The glory of God demands a spirit of excellence
- Our mission demands a Christian administration and faculty
- Christian character development is our goal
[edit] Character
OCS believes that while "knowing" and "doing" are essential for education, who a person is "becoming" is essential for life. OCS' goal is to prepare students for seven life relationships (Growing Christian, Loving Family Member, Caring Friend, Diligent Worker, Effective Minister, Faithful Marriage Partner, and Loving Parent) with seven essential character qualities (Virtue, Knowledge, Self-Control, Perseverance, Godliness, Brotherly Kindness, and Love).
[edit] Learning
OCS believes that God has revealed Himself in four distinctive ways, and its academic program is designed from this revelation:
- God reveals Himself through Creation; therefore, we teach the Natural Sciences that reveal His character
- God reveals Himself through Jesus; therefore, we teach the Social Sciences with Jesus as the model for social behavior
- God reveals Himself through the Bible; therefore, we teach Communication Skills to and from God and man
- God reveals Himself through the Holy Spirit; therefore, we teach Fine Arts and expressions of praise to God
[edit] Behavior
OCS believes that the best indicator of the "new birth" (a genuine personal relationship with Jesus Christ) is the desire in an individual to please Christ in his/her actions. OCS' behavior goals (Respect for God, Respect for Family, Respect for Others, Respect for Authorities, and Respect for the Work of God) are thus designed to reinforce and develop character and learning goals.
[edit] Bible Instruction
OCS' Bible classes are geared to assist its students in understanding the basics of the Christian faith, and to be able to defend it against a "secular culture", which it sees as becoming increasingly hostile toward Christianity, and against which it believes that Christians in the past have failed to take an effective stand.
For example, 4th grade students are taught major Christian doctrines such as the Holy Spirit, Heaven and Hell, and Final Events ("last days" or "end times" events), as well as concepts of Bible memorization and proper use of Bible study aids such as concordances and Bible maps.
As another example, OCS seniors are taught a one-semester course in creation science. The course (which covers both initial Creation and the Flood) is designed to fully equip students to defend the Creation Model of origins from a Biblical and scientific standpoint.
Since this Creation Model, along with a young earth theology, is such a large part of the schools' doctrine, the school teaches it as indisputable truth. Anyone who supports Theistic Evolution, Old Earth Creation, or any deviation from Six Day Creation is labeled a "fool," whose "heart has been darkened" and thinking made "futile." Romans 1:21-31 is often given as a reading or memorization assignment to warn students not to deviate from the Young Earth Interpretation.
Counter arguments are not studied in the preparation for defending one's faith. Any deviation from the Baptist Church's stance is simply dismissed as stupid or illogical. This has caused several graduates to loose their faith, once they realize that the world does not see anti-Baptist doctrine in the same black and white, cookie-cutter fashion.
[edit] Enrollment Requirements
OCS' admission standards are somewhat more restrictive than found at many Christian schools; the OCS website clearly states that students expelled from other schools most likely will not be accepted for enrollment at OCS. In addition to meeting educational and tuition/fee requirements, OCS requires that:
- at least one parent must be a Christian,
- if the student is enrolling for grades 6-12, the student must also be a Christian,
- the parents (and student, for grades 6-12) must agree to OCS' Statement of Faith,
- the parents must agree to be proactively involved in their children's education, and
- the prospective student and his family must obtain a positive reference from a minister at the church where the family attends, showing that the family is actively involved in church activities and that the student exhibits Godly character.
The listed above requirements must be met by the student and parents every year; continued enrollment at OCS is not automatic, regardless of prior student achievement or ability to pay.
[edit] Miscellaneous
Neither OCS (nor its sponsoring church, ORBC) borrow money for long-term projects. There is no formal prohibition against doing so in either organization's bylaws; however, both OCS and ORBC believe that the concept of long-term borrowing is inconsistent with the principles of Christian stewardship. OCS/ORBC's facilities (which are nearly all dual-use) have been built and maintained on a pay-as-you-go system.
In order to allow students to participate in church mid-week activities, OCS' faculty does not assign homework on Wednesday evenings. In addition, OCS' classes dismiss early on Fridays.
Many students have problems with the schools hair code. Which requires mens hair to be a set length and a set style as well.
Some teachers and students have noticed the lack of a good high school foreign language program.
Many of the faculty members have several graduate degrees and are qualified to teach at the university level. Yet they sacrifice, what would seem like a smart career move, and continue to work at OCS, for much less money, in order to serve God the best they can.
In 2004, Michael Partain (the former Administrator) started an annual mission trip to Mexico for the Junior and Senior classes. In Mexico, the students often aid in building projects for the local people and churches. Michael Partain also initiated a trip to Mississippi for the freshmen and sophomore classes, where they aid several local ministries.
[edit] References
Much of this information is taken from the OCS website, which is not copyrighted. Other information was provided by OCS and ORBC staff. Furthermore, the author of this article was a member at ORBC during the early years of the school's formation.