Un article de Wikipèdia, l'enciclopèdia liura.
- En: Gundestrupkarret (the Gundestrup Cauldron) - one of the inside panels. The celtic style cauldron can be seen at display at the National Museum (Nationalmuseet) in Denmark. See more photos of the Cauldron at the page about the Celts.
- Da: Gundestrupkarret (Gundestrupkedlen), detalje af et af de inde paneler. Kedlen i keltisk stil kan ses på Nationalmuseet i København. Se flere fotos af karret på siden om Kelterne.
Date: june 29, 2004
This file was made by Malene Thyssen.
Please credit this: Malene Thyssen, www.mtfoto.dk/malene/
An email to malene at mtfoto.dk would be appreciated too.
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