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Pa. Raghavan, a well known tamil writer – journalist, winner of the prestegious ‘Bharathiya Basha Parishad award’ in the year 2004 is an editor by profession.
He is more popular for his political histories rather than his fiction works. Dollor Desam (Political History of America) and Nilamellam Raththam (History of the Israel – Palestine Conflict) are considered to be the milestones in tamil non fiction writing.
Pa. Raghavan was born in Adyar, Chennai and spent his early years in many villages of Chengalpet District because of the frequent transfers of his father in his job. In the mid of 1980s, his family shifted and settled in Chennai where para finished his school and college studies in 1988.
Eventhough he has completed a diplomo course in Mechanical Engineering, he did’nt want to take a job in a factory because of the interest in writing.
Started his career as a sub editor in Amudhasurabi Monthly Magazine. Famous weekly magazine Kalki offered him the post ‘Assistant Editor’ in the year 1992 after seeing his talent in writing humorous articles and stories.
Pa. Raghavan learned and served in Kalki for about 8 years and joined in kumudam the No.1. Tamil weekly magazine in the year of 2000. After completing a full year in kumudam as Assistant Editor, he was appointed as the Editor in Charge for then newly started by monthly ‘Kumudam Junction.’
He left magazine industry and involed in Publishing line in 2003 and presently leading the Tamil Division (‘Kizhakku Pathippagam’) of New Horizon Media Private Limited.
1. Pak: Oru Pudhirin Saridham (political history of Pakistan) 2. Dollor Desam (political history of America) 3. 9/11: soozhchi veezhchi meetchi 4. Nilamellam Raththam (A history of Israel – Palestine Conflict) 5. Al qaeda: Bayangarathin mugavari 6. Hezbollah: Bayangarathin mugavari
1. Iraq plus saddam minus saddam 2. Hitler
1. Alai Urangum kadal 2. Puviyiloridam 3. Mellinam 4. Alagilaa Vilayaattu 5. Thoonilum Iruppaan 6. Rendu
Short Story Collections:
1. Nilaa Vaettai 2. Moovar 3. Paravai Yuddham 4. Gudhiraigalin Kadhai
Essay Collections:
1. 154 Kilo Bites 2. 24 Karot 3. Open Ticket
1. Bharathiya Basha Parishad Award (2004) 2. Ilakkiyapeetam Award (For the Novel Alagila Vilayaattu) 3. Thiruppur Tamil Sangam Award (For the Novel Mellinam) 4. Lilli Deivasikamani Memorial award (For the collection Paravai yuddham)